Dotting the ‘i’s and Crossing the ‘t’s - Does this feel like you?

8 Reasons Why it is Perfectly Fine to Just ‘Let-it-Go’ at Times!

Juby John
6 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Do you always want to be perfect at everything you do?
Do you feel low when things don’t happen the way you want them to?
Do you get overwhelmed at times?

It does happen! We have all been there at some time or the other, right?

Wanting to do your best and aiming for the best shot is appreciable, but sometimes it can be like chasing a never-ending goal. Being a perfectionist has its positive sides. But, being honest, at times it can also stress you out and mess up things.
So, here let us dive into what’s good and what’s not-so-good about it.
And, importantly, we will talk about why it’s fine to sometimes ease up on the need to be always “perfect”. It’s not about compromising on the importance of the deliverable or being insincere; it’s about staying cool and balanced and growing in a healthier and better way. Ascertaining the situation and working out an alternate option that could be less taxing to your mind can sometimes help you come out with better solutions.

Remember, slacking the outhaul allows you to adjust and power up the sail.

Well, Perfectionism is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it pushes you to do top-notch work setting the bar high for achievement. That’s the reason you put in that extra effort paying close attention to details. More importantly to achieve that mental satisfaction of ‘having achieved’. I bet the ‘perfectionists’ out there can relate to what I am talking about.
On the flip side, it can sometimes lead to unnecessary chronic stress, anxiety, and even burnout. You might get into the procrastination shoes or avoid taking risks because you are afraid of falling short.
It can mess up many things not just work-wise but also your relationships with others because you will be always seeking validation.

Always Keep the Following in mind-

It is perfectly fine to fall — You have an opportunity to rise again with double the strength!
It is okay if you are forced to stop midway- You will find another path that leads you to greener pastures!

Remember, the journey of a diamond started with a piece of coal. Your challenges today can transform you into something extraordinary tomorrow.

When things don’t go as planned, take it as a chance to rewrite your story with a stronger, wiser pen.

Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

Did you know something very interesting about the most famous scientist and physicist, Albert Einstein, and the derivation of the Theory of Relativity. Einstein was renowned for his pursuit of perfection in his work. He was the one who changed the concept of physics and ideas about space and time. He had worked for years on the theory of relativity, trying to align a perfect equation that would explain the universe. While developing this, the planet Mercury’s orbit didn’t precisely match the predictions of Newtonian physics. This inconsistency greatly bothered Einstein.

Thus he had to re-evaluate his theory of general relativity and refine it. During this process, he realized that the imperfection in Mercury’s orbit was due to the curvature of spacetime caused by the mass of the sun and its immense gravity.

Lo and Behold! This realization led to his famous equation E=mc² and his general theory of relativity.

Einstein’s journey from perfection to embracing imperfection brought about another level to our understanding of the cosmos. It is a wonderful reminder that imperfections and irregularities can be the catalyst for some of the most ground-breaking discoveries in science and also in life.

In the pursuit of perfection, you often overlook the beauty of imperfection. Life is a dynamic journey filled with ups and downs, learning from your mistakes, and embracing those unprecedented turns. These twists and turns can sometimes lead you to unexpected adventures and hidden treasures.

There are times when you know that it is practically unmanageable. In such cases give yourself a break! In case you persist in fighting that is more with yourself, then perfectionism can lead to chronic stress, self-doubt, and missed opportunities, as the relentless pursuit of flawlessness can be paralyzing.

By allowing yourselves to let go of the pressure for perfection, you open the door to your growth, creativity, self-compassion and happiness. It’s about finding a balance that nurtures your well-being and allows you to appreciate the small imperfections that make you human. So, ease up, and discover the joy in embracing life’s natural, imperfect, and beautifully unique moments.

Be kind to yourself, and you’ll find the strength to conquer any challenge.

You don’t need to be flawless to inspire others; your resilience in the face of imperfection can be your greatest inspiration. Your setbacks can be the catalyst for your greatest comebacks.

Take a look at some of the advantages you gain by just ‘letting it go’ at times when you are overwhelmed by situations

Photo by César Couto on Unsplash

You achieve

1. Reduced Stress

Letting go can reduce your stress and anxiety. It frees you from the burden of trying to take control of everything and allows you to breathe more easily. At the microlevel, you can partially take control and manage the output to the best of your ability and situation

2. Improved Mental Health

Releasing the need for perfection can improve your mental well-being. It fosters self-compassion and lowers the risk of burnout or mental health issues.

3. Increased Creativity

Letting go of rigid expectations can boost creativity. It allows your mind to wander and explore new ideas, leading to innovative solutions.

4. Stronger Relationships

Releasing unrealistic demands can strengthen your relationships. It allows you to accept others as they are and fosters more meaningful connections.

5. Faster Recovery

Letting go of past mistakes and disappointments enables faster recovery from setbacks. It allows you to move forward with resilience.

6. Personal Growth

Embracing imperfection is a path to personal growth. It teaches valuable lessons for life and builds character.

7. Happier Life

Letting go of the need for everything to be perfect leads to a happier, more content life. It helps you appreciate the beauty in life’s imperfections and find joy in the journey.

8. Positive and Progressive Perspective

And above all, you get an opportunity to change your perspective on the problem, think differently, and come up with solutions that are ‘out of the box’

Remember, it’s okay to be a work in progress.

The most magnificent masterpieces take time to create, and so do you!

Don’t be afraid to take a step back- it is just a setup for the giant leap forward.
Perfection is a static ideal, while growth is a dynamic journey. Your dynamic journey is what would steer you toward your static goal.
Keep moving forward, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

That’s why it is crucial to let go of perfectionism from time to time. It helps you strike a balance, reduces stress, and gives your creativity a chance to shine. Plus, it’s all about accepting yourselves as you are, which is pretty awesome.

It doesn’t mean taking things lightly, but it’s about doing your best while ensuring peace of mind and not being overwhelmed by things. Your mental well being is very important!

So, loosen that perfectionist grip now and then, and you’ll find a healthier and more fulfilling way to grow and thrive.
Consider your imperfections as the colorful threads that create a beautiful, intricate pattern in the fabric of a successful and inspiring life. Just as the most beautiful mosaics are made of broken pieces, your flaws are what make you uniquely valuable.

Pause your journey to think but do not stop.

Don’t forget to take a break whenever needed so that you do not break!



Juby John

Management Professional | Writer-Personal Growth and Self Management | Get your Free Guide to Level Up Your Growth and Success: