Happy Birthday Dr. Bruce Lipton

A Poem for Dr. Bruce Lipton

You, Me and Happiness


Happy Birthday Dr. Bruce Lipton A Poem for Dr. Bruce Lipton
Image credit Bruce Lipton and edited by author in Canva

It was EPI{Geneti}C
The day you were born
21 October a truce was sworn

To bring you into life
To remind those in strife
Amongst the single cell
Before splitting off

A promise was made
A secret of life to be told
To humanity
As Bruce Lipton’s life unfolds

He has to say:

Remember this environment

Remember who you are

As you will travel afar

You will doubt

You will fear

Yet I will always be near

Whispering through codes

That it is love


That will help mysteries unfold

That is is unity


That will unlock an awareness



You, Me and Happiness

Helen Müller | Writing to inspire Conscious Living | Helping 🔝Entrepreneurs Be Happy ➜ 🌐 https://youmeandhappiness.com