Drag is Not Evil; Drag is Not Bad

Matthew Bamberg


Drag graphic
Graphic by Matthew Bamberg

Gigi Nagorsky here.

My drag name is:

My first dog’s name

Along with my mother’s maiden name.

What’s yours?

I’m sure you have heard the drill. Men should be men and women, women. The genders have been set in stone by some for centuries.

But have they?

Why would anyone want to take away the freedom to engage in performance art woman to man, man to woman?

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Drag Queen in Pride Parade vacuuming.
Vacuuming is a drag. Photo by Matthew Bamberg

Art that real.

A really, really big deal

Performance is Drag

Drag is Performance

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Drag Queen Story Hour. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Ricard, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons



Matthew Bamberg

Matthew Bamberg is on a life adventure combining text and image to create new meanings on many topics.