Dream Time

Commit to this exercise for twenty minutes a day to feel fulfilled

Neil Pavitt


Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

Before you read this article, I want you to take a moment and think about what your passion project is. If you didn’t have to work and didn’t have to worry about money, what would you want to do? Apart from the obvious traveling and spending time with family and friends; what is it that eats away at you. That unfulfilled desire.

It could be to write a book, paint, take photographs, cook, start a movement, learn a language.

If you’ve got yours, good. If you can’t think of anything, step away from the article now.

My next question is; if it’s so important to you, why aren’t you doing it? The most common answer people give is, ‘life gets in the way’. We’ve all got things that we can’t get out of: work, day-to-day household activities and family commitments. But there are also activities that we could all cut down on: time spent glued to a screen, for instance.

The trouble is, we tell ourselves we need a free afternoon or a free evening to start on our passion project. But let’s face it; it’s just not going to happen is it.

But I believe you don’t need huge swathes of time stretching in front of you, you just need to carve out twenty minutes every day. A lot of people would say they couldn’t spare an hour a day, but everyone can find twenty minutes in their day, just for themselves (Note to new…



Neil Pavitt

Author, speaker, coach and teacher. Passionate about creativity, innovation and good ideas. Fast Company contributor.