Drop Servicing For Beginners. Full Guide On Making Money Online

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8 min readFeb 13, 2022
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Making money online with no digital or tech skill isn’t impossible, in fact, with drop servicing you could make more money online without a skill by just being creative on the internet. Presently, you don’t have to be a programmer before you can start earning as one, you don’t have to be a graphic designer for you to start earning as one, and you don’t have to be a transcriptionist before you could start earning as one.

Drop servicing provides us with tons of opportunities to earn online without skill, and in this article, we’re going to find out what drop servicing is and how we can leverage its potential. With that said, let’s dive in shall we.

What Is Drop Servicing?

Drop servicing is an online business model where you sell digital services and outsource the service to a freelancer. It involves promoting an online service that someone else(a freelancer) could provide and selling it to your customer. Drop servicing is similar to subcontracting, you can get an offer for a service you promoted, and instead of doing it yourself, you outsource it to a professional to get the job done for you.

How Drop Servicing Works

Drop servicing is basically like drop shipping but instead of selling products, you’re going to be selling services. For example, say you have an online store where you sell services or you ran an online ad promoting services, and a client purchases your service and pays you for example $100 for you to render the service, you find a professional freelancer mostly from countries with a lower cost of living to render the job for you and you pay the freelancer maybe $60, the freelancer will forward the completed job to you when done and you fulfill the order by forwarding the completed job to your client. Job done.

Your role as a drop servicer is to find clients or have clients come to you through ad promotion and you focus on selling them the service at a price high enough that you make a significant profit from outsourcing the service.

Types Of Services to offer

There are literally hundreds of services you could offer as a drop servicer, mostly anything that you can do on a computer. Remember, you don’t actually have to do the work, you find someone to do the work for you. Some services that are a great fit for drop servicing includes;

Website design
Logo design
Book cover design
Digital marketing
Video recording
Social media management
Voice cover

The services are not limited to just the ones listed here, you can pretty much sell any skill that there is that is in high demand.

Examples of a drop servicing website are sites like logoknox.com, a drop servicing website that designs logos.

How To Find Services To Sell

There are multiple ways to find great services to sell and there are tools that can help you do that.

Google Trends

Google trends is such a great tool to find services to sell based on popularity. All you have to do is to visit googletrends.com and just type in the service you want to find about in the search form to see how popular it is. For example, let’s say you want to find out how popular and trendy website design is, just type it into the search form and you’ll see the result in detail. You could compare between services and see statistical data to make a decision with.

Google Keyword Search Volume Tool
Fiver Supply And Demand
Upwork Data

Things To Consider When Finding a Service

When finding what services to sell, think about what services people want to buy but wouldn’t necessarily go on fiver for, because if they know they could get the service on Fiver, they’ll probably go on fiver and get that service. But if you have a unique service or at least you’re presenting the service in a unique way, people are going to purchase it from you.

Also, think about what services you can build an agency around, what services are in such high demand that you can hire multiple services and work with many clients at the same time. This is the key to scaling this business sky-high.

Models Of Drop Servicing

There are basically two types of services you could offer Drop servicing which are;

Basic services and Complex services

Basic services are things like logo design, copywriting, basically things that people can take a look at your website or portfolio on and purchase right away, they don’t require a lot of explanation and clients can pretty much see what they’re paying for.

Complex services usually need multiple people in order to do the job correctly. Providing complex services is similar to building an agency, you need to hire people and it takes longer to find clients but, you also make more money. One type of service is not better than the other, but I just want you to be aware of the differences.

Basic Drop Servicing

Basic services like logo design are usually easier to start with because it’s pretty easy to find clients, since a lot of people need logos designed every day, and it’s also very inexpensive to find freelancers to do it for you because, for logo designs on fiver, people usually charge from $5 to $30 on average.

The basic services model is almost infinitely scalable because the services you provide are relatively cheap, people are searching for logo design constantly making it easier for you to find clients almost every day. Since you need a constant stream of clients, the basic model could become a disadvantage especially if you pick the wrong service. Because if you can’t have enough clients, the model would not be very profitable.

A huge advantage of the basic model is that clients usually have very low-quality standards, and they don’t really know what the end result should look like. For example, when am doing logo design, I’ll send my clients three different versions of the logo and they usually pick the one they like the most. Only a few times clients said that they don’t like any of them and in this case, I usually ask the freelancer for a few more versions of the logo, and I’ll send them back to the clients, and often times they’ll just pick one.

Complex Drop Servicing

About the complex services, the biggest advantage of providing complex is that you have very high margins. One of the clients can provide you with a constant stream of income because it takes time to develop a website or create a mobile app and it usually takes at least a couple of months.

Once you find a couple of clients and started working with them, you don’t need to worry about finding new clients for at least a couple of months, but because these clients pay more, they have much higher quality standards and you need to really know what you’re doing.

You also need to communicate with your clients more and constantly send them updates on how things are going on, this makes this model a little bit more hands-on. If you’re starting your first drop servicing business, I recommend a basic service model and then slowly transitioning into the complex service model.

Where And How To Find Freelancers

Finding freelancer or service providers are crucial to your success as a drop servicer, and you could find them on platforms like;


All you have to do is to visit any of the above-mentioned platforms and sign up with them if you don’t have an account already, after that, you could either post a job directly to get biddings or you could just hire someone directly for your job just by searching for your job.

Service Quality Control

This aspect is mostly overlooked by most drop servicers probably because they think that drop servicing is just a get-rich-quick scheme and not seen as a real business. Always try and make sure that;

  1. Service providers(freelancers) do a quality job because you’ll be held liable for the result
  2. You should have multiple backup service providers
  3. If selling complex services, have a team with different roles in place, don’t let one person do it all.

How To Setup a Website For Your Drop Servicing Business

You don’t need to have design or programming skills to build a website, there are many platforms that allow you to just drag and drop things around and build a website. Before I show you the platforms, I’d like to talk about the components that your website must have no matter what you end up choosing.

Essential Components For A Drop Servicing Website

  1. Brand name and domain: Pick out a brand name and domain, don’t just name your agency ABC console, because it doesn’t tell anyone anything. Make sure that the name is related to what you’re actually selling.
  2. Sales page: Sales page should be a crucial part of your website, that’s where you’ll show your clients why they should pick you over other sellers. Put yourself in your client's shoes, would you buy from your website? if the answer is No, keep on working on your sales page until the answer becomes Yes.
  3. Testimonials: Testimonials from happy customers really help the selling process a lot easier.
  4. Live chat: Mainly to get in touch with customers on-site.
  5. Email support inbox: There needs to be a way for customers to get in touch with you, an email support or a live chat should do.
  6. Checkout: You need to have a way for customers to pay you for your service, and you’re going to need a checkout page for that. You could connect your strip or Paypal or any other method you’d like to.
  7. Portfolio(optional): Oftentimes, a good portfolio makes selling easier too, as it builds trust between you and the clients.

Platforms For Building Your Drop Servicing Website

  1. Katra
    a. Easy to set up and use
    b. All-in-one solution (it has all the modules you’ll need for the website like the checkout, email support, etc)
    c. costs $99/m
  2. Clickfunnels
    a. Easy to set up and use
    b. Lacks some features
    c.costs $97/m
  3. WordPress
    a. Complicated setup
    b. Unlimited features and Plugins
    c. Free. Only pay for hosting
  4. Leadpages
    a. Easy to set up and use
    b. Requires third-party integration
    c. costs $19/m

Getting Clients

We’ve already learned how drop servicing works, what types of services to pick, how to find service providers, and how to build a website. Now it’s time to go find some clients.

The best and most effective way to get clients is to run ads.

Facebook and Google ads: Facebook and Google ads prove themselves to be effective for drop servicing business.

Twitter and LinkedIn ads: Twitter and LinkedIn ads are also effective.

Cold emails: Cold emails are also effective and relatively cheap but require more skill and time to master.

Facebook groups and Reddit: Facebook groups and Reddit offer a great opportunity for drop shippers.

Order Management

Alright, we’ve set up our website, found a great service provider, and got our first client, What do we do now? Now is the time to learn how to manage our orders efficiently by;

  1. Setting up a strong backup, automated update over emails
  2. Hiring a virtual assistant to communicate with service providers and clients. There’s no service that can automate it.
  3. Communicating with your service providers outside of the platform if possible.
  4. Setting up automatic order forwarding to the service provider’s inbox.

This is pretty much enough for this crash course on drop servicing, hope you found it useful. You could leave your questions or contributions in the comment section. Happy Hustling!

Originally published at https://bontinel.com on February 13, 2022.




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