Earn $10,000 a Month Selling Pictures of Your Feet

I wish the title was clickbait



The image is of a woman in a pool with her feet up.
Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

I can’t believe I’m actually writing an article about this. I’m shocked because I never realised there was a gap in the market.

And yes before you start lecturing me about fetishes, I know they exist. I just thought you could get most of that stuff for FREE on the interweb!

Well, I was clearly wrong.

When there’s demand, supply follows suit.

Listen, if you promise me thousands of dollars each month in return for posting feet pictures anonymously, I’d have to consider it. I probably still won’t go ahead with it, but I’d be stupid not to think it through.

So why am I even writing about this?

You see, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to make money online. It doesn’t matter how unorthodox the business model is. In fact, most new businesses that enjoy outsized returns, have an inherent uniqueness to them and FeetFinder fits that bill.

It is therefore my duty to at least report on my findings to my little but steadily growing audience.

The Business Model

FeetFinder was created in 2019 after Nielson, a graduate of Drexel University realised that there was a need for a safe and…




Former pharmacologist turned banker and now a serial entrepreneur. Contact me on: ali.m.butt87@gmail.com