Earn Money For Walking

Every step counts. Literally, in this case.




This might be the greatest side hustle I’ve ever seen.

Money for steps.

Before you go nuts, this won’t make you thousands of dollars. In fact, it won’t make you a single dollar right now.

Instead, you’ll earn Sweatcoins. Yummy.

But, oh boy, you should listen to this.

The idea

The service is called Sweatcoin, and it’s perfectly descriptive. You’ll get paid crypto coins for sweating.

Here is how it works:

  1. You get the Sweatcoin app for iOS or Android
  2. You connect a fitness tracker that counts steps, like an Apple Watch, Google Wear device, or just your smartphone. I have it hooked up to my Apple Watch.
  3. Voilà. With every step, you collect Sweatcoins.

This means you get paid for walking outside.


What’s a Sweatcoin

you might ask!

We live in the era of Web3. Sweatcoin is a cryptocurrency.

As you might have guessed, Sweatcoins are fairly new. They don’t have much value. It’s no Bitcoin or Ethereum. Sorry




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