7 Foods To Help You Get Rid of Arthritis Successfully

Arthritis can have a devastating effect on your well-being, but you can avoid it.

5 min readNov 7, 2021


Eat These 7 Foods To Get Rid of Arthritis Successfully
Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” — Hippocrates

Arthritis is a painful disease caused by stiffness and swelling in your joints. It can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, ethnic background, cultural affinity, or body size.

There are types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In the former disease, your immune system grips your joints while the latter is developed through the overuse of joints or with age. Whatever the type you get, both are not good and can render your life colorless because you feel pain in every movement.

My aunt suffers from arthritis. When the attack is severe, she can’t move or do anything. Even if she feels well, she dreads the experience. She avoids doing heavy lifting things and stays away from all other chores doctors told her to avoid. She takes medicine to recover soon when the attack is severe, but in the long run, she has also changed her diet and eats those foods that help her relieve the joint pains.

Fortunately, the food works best. These foods help you relieve your joint pains or inflammations associated with arthritis. Various studies have found that some foods are beneficial in joint pains. A specified diet was given to 217 people suffering from arthritis in a study to diagnose the effect on their health. The response was 72%, of which 83% were female. The study found that the diet had improved their health and decreased the impact of arthritis.

If you have arthritis, check out these seven foods to get rid of arthritis pains and stay healthy to live a better life.

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the healthy foods that help in the reduction of inflammation caused by arthritis. According to a study, 1005 women used broccoli and have found a significant decrease in the inflammation in joints. The study also found that a higher intake of cruciferous vegetables helps in arthritis problems and reduces symptoms.

According to another study, broccoli contains sulforaphane that prevents the formation of a type of cell that augments the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The sulforaphane compound arrests the growth of inflammatory markers that cause rheumatoid arthritis.

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you should increase the intake of broccoli because animal studies and test-tube results have shown that certain properties of broccoli successfully decrease arthritis pains.

2. Berries

Including berries in your diet has potential health benefits. Berries are packed with tons of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These nutrients can decrease joint pains and inflammation.

A study was conducted by Women’s Health Study in which 38,176 women were examined for their strawberry intake per week. The study found a decrease in the inflammatory markers in the blood of 14% of women.

Another study found that berries are rich in rutin and quercetin compounds that have other health benefits along with decreasing inflammation and helping in arthritis.

3. Ginger

Ginger has myriads of properties and is used as a flavor in sweets, soups, and teas. Apart from that, ginger is beneficial for arthritis.

A study was conducted in 2001 on 261 patients who suffered from knee osteoarthritis. The patients were given the intake of ginger for six weeks. After the examination, 63% of participants showed improvements in their knee pain.

Other studies have also found the same results with additions that the specific components in ginger help reduce the inflammatory markers that cause arthritis and work as anti-cancer. The study also explained that you can use ginger in dried, fresh, or powdered form, and it works the same.

4. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is not only delicious to eat, but it also has various health benefits. It is rich in vitamins and proteins. Fatty fish such as trout, sardines, salmon, and mackerel are highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids that work as anti-inflammatory agents.

jointIn a study, 33 participants were provided fatty fish and lean meat four times a week for eight weeks and were then examined. The study found that the participants fed with fatty fish had seen a significant decrease in their joint inflammation.

You can also use omega-3 fatty acid supplements. An analysis of various studies has found that the intake of omega-3 fatty acid supplements can considerably reduce morning stiffness, relieve joint pains, and help decrease the intensity of rheumatoid arthritis pains.

Fish is also a highly rich source of vitamin D. People with low vitamin D levels may also feel joint pains. A study has confirmed that the deficiency of vitamin D can cause rheumatoid arthritis.

The American Heart Association recommends including fatty fish twice a week in your diet to utilize the benefits of its anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Walnuts

If you don’t like taking fatty fish twice a week, you can use walnuts rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are densely packed with valuable nutrients with properties that help, according to an analysis of 13 studies, reduce the inflammatory markers in your body.

In a study, 90 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were divided into two groups and given olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids supplements. The group that took omega-3 fatty acids supplements showed decreased joint pains and could successfully reduce their medication use compared to the other group served with olive oil.

So, walnuts are a good source that can amply provide you with omega-3 fatty acids. Along with other benefits, it helps you get rid of arthritis pain.

6. Garlic

Garlic is rich in various properties and works against many diseases. It is used to fight cancer, dementia, and heart diseases. Garlic is packed with numerous other health benefits and is commonly used in households.

Garlic has also shown anti-inflammatory properties and helps in the decrease of arthritis. Additionally, garlic also boosts the functions of immune cells that protect from other diseases.

In a study, 1082 twins were analyzed for their intake of garlic in their food. Those who used it found a significant reduction in the risk of hip osteoarthritis. Another study found that garlic contains rich anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Spinach

Spinach is highly rich in various necessary nutrients and has specific components that reduce inflammation related to arthritis. It is packed with antioxidants such as kaempferol and plant compounds that fight inflammation disease caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

A study conducted in 2017 has also found that spinach helps in the successful reduction of arthritis caused inflammation and arrest the progress of osteoarthritis. However still, further study is needed to bring out more benefits of spinach with regards to arthritis.

The Bottom Line

Experiencing inflammation, severe joint pains, or degeneration of joints caused by arthritis has a highly troubling effect on one’s overall health and well-being. It leaves a person useless if it attacks with severity. You need to see your doctor and use proper medication to get immediate or long-term relief.

But certain foods such as ginger, fatty fish, walnuts, spinach, berries, broccoli, and many other foods are highly rich in properties that help relieve your joint pains and reduce the symptoms.

Diet plays a vitally significant role in your overall health and lifestyle. If you are suffering from arthritis, you can use the food mentioned above in your diet interchangeably to get rid of inflammation and arthritis and live a better life.

