Eating During This Time Of The Day Could Make You Susceptible To Weight Gain & Obesity

Eating foods at certain times of the day is an essential step in eliminating weight gain

Ange Dim


Photo by Amr Taha™ on Unsplash

Let’s face the facts here — we’re eating ourselves into an early grave. It’s not getting better — but climbing as the months and years progress.

Obesity accounts for approximately 43% of the US population, and other parts of the world are a lot closer to this figure too!

Obesity carries with it the onset of chronic diseases exhausting our hospitals, doctors and nurses. Diseases like diabetes, cancer and other conditions are also rising — in both the young and old.

Although most health professionals and material online tell us that eating late at night isn’t good for our health, research hasn’t gone in deep enough to uncover the real effects of eating late at night on obesity and weight regulation.

To support this theory, the researchers must consider what effect late-night eating has on our metabolism, caloric intake and the number of calories burned—also understanding how it affects the changes in fat tissue.

What we eat and when…



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: