Eckhart Tolle’s Remarks on Nihilism Illuminated This Invaluable Benefit of Spiritual Pursuits

Use it to spur you forward on the path.

David Gerken


Photo by Maxime VALCARCE on Unsplash

I wrote an article recently (here) relaying Eckhart Tolle’s view about what our true purpose in life is. In short, he believes it is to express the consciousness of the universe through us.

But there was something in Eckhart’s talk I didn’t mention that is deserving of an article itself: His comments about nihilism. What is that?


Generally speaking, nihilism translates as nothingness. It’s the view, shared by many, that life is random, meaningless and without purpose. Any Nietzsche/philosophy buffs among you may quibble with this simplistic definition, but it’s close enough for the purposes of this article.

Eckhart’s talk about this subject turned a light on inside me. It pointed out to me that all the spiritual work I’ve done these past many years has helped to eradicate any nihilistic thoughts and feelings I had.

And let’s face it, most people have, at the very least, endured periods in their lives when they thought life was meaningless and without purpose. Some even proudly proclaim this as the guiding light of their lives. Their mantra runs something like,



David Gerken

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at