Editor’s Choice — Top 10: Can YouTube Make You a Dull Writer

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Dew Langrial


You always write when you want to handle your creative tension — the gap between what is and what could be.

Creative tension is defined as a situation where disagreement or discord ultimately gives rise to better ideas or outcomes.

Say, you suddenly realize you can start a business if you move your focus away from having seed money and focus on doing whatever it takes to be successful. The idea challenges your — and your reader’s — current beliefs about starting a business.

You start organizing your thoughts. You start writing, but then you inevitably go to the internet to back your arguments. You find a youtube video — in this case, it is a TEDx talk by Brandon Leibel, called “It Doesn’t Take Money To Make Money.”

You watch the video, and the creative tension you felt before watching the video vanishes.

You become relaxed — in other words, you are no longer willing to write your story. You think don’t need to research and waste your time writing an unoriginal idea that somebody else thought first.

It is true about every idea that pops up in your head. Ultimately you are forced to think that everything you want to write has been…



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/