Editor’s Choice — Top 10: Stay Faithful to the Stories in Your Head

Follow these top 10 writers, they are going to be big names in the near future

Dew Langrial


Image by THE 5TH from Pixabay

Writing is hard. Looking for the perfect start, researching for the body, and finishing at just the right time is tough. But as you read more, you learn.

Knowing more increases your self-confidence; your sentences showcase your confidence. If you are writing about a topic that is close to your heart, you’ll make your readers cry or laugh or think.

The hardest part is telling stories from your life — you believe people should know about your experiences to see a reality other than their own. But you are not sure that what you have to say is relevant. Reading good writers lets you realize how their seemingly ordinary life experiences can influence your life.

Becoming a writer involves an occupational hazard that you’ll start questioning your wisdom way more than you’d like. The process of continuously doubting every word and every sentence causes you to panic sometimes. The stories in your head deserve to be written — your readers and the whole world deserves to read what you have to say.

Keep asking yourself: ‘What makes me a good writer?’ Keep listening to your inner voice that’ll answer this…



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/