Education System In India: Government Schools

Md Jamal
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2024

Let’s talk about those memorable days in government schools, where every chapter in our lives unfolded, shaping us into who we are today.

The Admission

First day: you step into the corridors of your school, no nursery or pre-nursery classes to ease you in. Nope, it’s straight to the real deal from class 1, all the way to graduation, passing through four key stages: middle school, high school (also known as matric), intermediate, and finally, graduation. Middle school, spanning up to class 8, welcomes almost every Indian child around the age of 5, marking the beginning of their academic journey.

Ah, the memories of my middle school days! When I was 13, I breezed through it with flying colors, feeling like I had conquered the world. But truth be told, I was a bit of an introvert back then. I wasn’t quite sure what the fuss was all about with learning from books. My young mind couldn’t grasp the practical side of education. I thought it was all about acing those exams and earning those gold stars.

But let me tell you a secret: behind that façade of confidence, I was just as confused as any curious child could be. I had this insatiable thirst for knowledge, yet I couldn’t figure out where to channel it. Should I be curious or not? It was a constant tug-of-war in my mind.

High School to Graduation And in Between

Fast forward to high school, year 2009. Back then, the internet was a rare thing, and our main sources of knowledge were limited to TV shows and books. But you know what? I didn’t mind one bit. There was something magical about those days, relying on good old-fashioned books and the occasional TV show for a dose of information.

May 2010 rolled around, and I found myself crossing the finish line of high school. Now came the big question: should I continue my studies or venture into the unknown? It was a common dilemma, one that many of us faced. My brother suggested I pick up a trade and make a career out of it. Seemed like a solid plan, right?

But life had other ideas. Some of my buddies suggested I pursue art subjects while still holding down a job. And just like that, I found myself on the path to graduation, with history as my trusty sidekick. It seemed like the easiest subject to tackle, so why not?

And guess what? I did it! January 2020 saw me proudly graduate with a second division grade, ready to take on the world. But little did I know, the real test was yet to come.

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Real Challenge

As I stepped out of the comforting embrace of college exams, I realized something, that I wasn’t quite prepared for what lay ahead. School had taught me plenty of things, but practical skills? Not so much. And suddenly, I found myself grappling with the age-old question: who’s to blame for my shortcomings? Is it the education system’s fault, or mine?

But let’s not dwell on the negatives, shall we? Let’s talk about the future, about the opportunities that lie ahead. Sure, the road might be rocky at times, but with a bit of determination and optimism, anything is possible.

A Path Decided

And, speaking of opportunities, I recently launched a website called हिंदी माध्यम (HindiMadhyam), aimed at helping Hindi medium students navigate the world of English with ease. Because let’s face it, learning a new language shouldn’t be a daunting task, it should be an exciting adventure.

So here’s to the future, to endless possibilities, and to the journey that lies ahead. Thanks for joining me on this ride.

