
Amy Marley
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020


#6 of 31 Days Of May- SCBWI Challenge

Octopus tentacles — Amy Marley
Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Heavy load a sure sign

Something is on the line

Snag or catch

Do we detach?

Winding for an hour

Water hard to scour

Darkness of the night

Taking away full sight

Splashing heard

A visiting bird

Splosh on the jetty

Fisherman sweaty

A bunch of us scream

What a clueless team

How to unhook

With no handbook

Tentacles seeking escape

Form changing shape

A boy quarter of our age

Takes over centre stage

Offers experienced advice

Actions required not so nice

Our decision is to release

An attempt to restore peace

BUT…We are too late

For our eight legged mate

Far more clever than us

Made use of all the fuss

The last limb just in sight

