Email List Is the Essence of Your Online Success — Here’s How You Create One Quickly & for Free

How to create your first email list in less than one hour at no cost

Simona Hostakova


Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash

If you’re starting out as an aspiring content creator, you’re most likely chasing followers instead of subscribers.

Having a huge number of followers is a nice social status reflecting your popularity on any platform, but you should realize one thing — followers won’t make you money.

On the other side, having even a small amount of subscribers can earn you a decent income quickly.

Here are some stats that back up my claims:

  • for more than a decade, email marketing was generating the highest ROI for marketers, and on average, every $1 spent on email marketing generates $38 in ROI (in some niches even more)
  • your message is 6x more likely to be clicked on when sent as an email than tweeted on your profile
  • it’s 40x more effective to use email to get new customers that using Twitter or Facebook
  • bloggers earning over $50,000/year are more than twice as likely to focus on building their subscribers list compared to the low(er) income bloggers



Simona Hostakova

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