Embrace emptiness!

Ganesh B
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Hated by humanity
as worse than poverty!

How many ways to
avoid emptiness!
How many wars to
defeat emptiness!
How many deaths to
escape emptiness!

Oh mankind!
When will you understand
that emptiness is the foundation
of your existence,
of your life?

Think about it!
Emptiness of your mind
is the beginning of your intelligence!
Emptiness of your heart
is the beginning of your love!

Emptiness of your soul
is the beginning of your spirituality!
Emptiness of the musical instruments
is the beginning of their music!

Emptiness of your stomach
is the beginning of your food!
Emptiness of your life
is the beginning of your new efforts!

Emptiness in your career
is the beginning of your growth!
Emptiness of your future
is the beginning of your fear!

Emptiness caused by hatred
is the beginning of your unity!
Emptiness in your surroundings
is the beginning of your sound!

Your intelligence, love,
spirituality, music, charity,
food, efforts, growth,
fear, unity and sound:
all begin with
your emptiness!

Above all,
Emptiness of your mother’s womb
is the beginning of your existence!

So, do not hate emptiness!
Emptiness is the foundation
of your existence,
of your life!
Embrace emptiness
and discover life!

Thank you for reading.

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Ganesh B

Teacher by passion; manager by education; educationist by profession; coach by experience; baker by interest; coder by curiosity; poet by emotion