An abrupt mindset change: Believe that you can find work you love and stop settling for less.

Career Escape Artist
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

I want to let you in on a little secret: it’s possible to love your job, to truly find joy in your work, every single day. Yes, you heard that right. The idea that work has to be a necessary burden, something we trudge through just to make it to the weekend, is a myth. It’s time to shatter that myth and embrace the exciting, empowering reality: You can love what you do for a living.

Discover What You Love

Start by identifying what you truly love, what makes you feel alive and fulfilled. This could be anything — creating art, solving complex mathematical problems, teaching others, or even organizing cluttered spaces. Once you’ve identified your passion, consider how you might turn this into a career.

Do You Feel a Sense of Purpose?

People who love their jobs often feel a deep sense of purpose at their work. They believe that what they’re doing matters. If you’re not feeling this sense of participating in something beyond yourself in your current job, maybe spend time thinking about how you might be able to better align your career with your personal mission.

Explore and Experiment

Finding a job you love might require some experimentation. It’s okay to try out different roles, industries, or even completely different career paths. Take internships, attend workshops, or volunteer in different fields. The important thing is to explore, learn, and grow until you find what truly resonates with you.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others. A growth mindset will not only make you more resilient but also open up new possibilities for your career.

Seek Out Environments that Foster Joy

A toxic or draining workplace can rob even the most passionate person of their joy. Make sure to prioritize your mental health. Remember, the right work environment can make a massive difference.

Be Bold Enough to Make a Change

Sometimes, investing in yourself means having the courage to leave a job that you don’t absolutely love. That might seem scary, especially if you’re in a comfortable position, but remember that comfort doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness. You might just need to step outside your comfort zone to find a truly joyful career.

Buckle Down. Invest in Your Skillset.

Being really good at something can really enjoyable. Invest in yourself and what makes you different and valuable at work. You might take courses, attend conferences, read books, or seek out mentors. As your competence grows, so will your confidence and enjoyment in your work.


Believe it or not, you can love your job. It’s not a far-off dream or a luxury afforded to a lucky few. It’s a possibility that exists for you, right now. It might require some effort, some exploration, and even some bold leaps of faith. But the result — a job that brings you joy every single day — is absolutely worth it.

Remember, life is too short to spend at a job that doesn’t bring you joy. Start your journey toward loving your work today. Because you deserve more than just tolerating your job — you deserve to love it.



Career Escape Artist

The ultimate side hustle guru and exit strategy expert. Sharing strategies to build profitable secondary income streams.