Embrace The Unseen: Expand The Horizon Of Your Knowledge

“Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.” — Emily Dickinson

Afaque Ashraf Janzai
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

We have often heard phrases such as “stick to your knitting”, “stay in your wheelhouse” or the notorious one “ Don’t be Jack of all the traders.”

It basically means to focus on your area of expertise and refrain from getting involved in matters you are not qualified or knowledgeable about.

While, part of it is true, and it’s economical and beneficial for the whole community you should remain in your areas of expertise and generate the best outcome in your capabilities.

However, there is another side to look at, if you remain in one field of study, it will halt the learning process and you will be limited in your potential.

Eventually, you won’t be able to see more than your comfort zone and develop myopia.

We can’t do everything

Unfortunately, like every other being on this planet, we humans have limited time and resources to spare.

We can’t do everything.

There is always an opportunity cost that must be paid for making choices.

You can’t do the X thing if you are working on the Y thing simultaneously.

If you’re reading this article, you are giving up on all the other fun activities you could have done.

These are the trade-offs every person has to deal with.

So, what’s the point?

Isn’t this more of a reason that we should choose one field of interest and stick to it?

Well …

You see … I’m not advocating here to become an all-knowing deity.

You shouldn’t know everything about everything. But you must know something about everything.

Initially, I’m only saying to taste the sweetness of other tasks. A bite will do the job.

Gather your knowledge around other areas.

It will not only increase your information database but now you are much more well-informed and well-versed to understand the subject.

From then on, you can choose the field that echoes most with your personality.

The Ideal Solution

After you have made your decision based on your experience and interest, it’s time to explore the field within.

The ideal solution would be to remain in a niche and get informed of other sub-niches in your niche.

It’s like specializing in one thing but having some basic general knowledge of other things of the same category.

For instance, if you are doing digital marketing (niche), you can be an expert in SEO or SEM, but you must know about other sub-niches that come in the digital marketing umbrella such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, GA4, Email marketing, social media marketing, etc.

That’s what is called a full-fledged digital marketer.

It is also applicable in more traditional practical life studies. You do your bachelor’s in a greater subject, then it narrows down and you do your master’s in a more specific field.

In addition to limiting your mind to unrelated and unnecessary matters, this approach makes you more eligible and authoritative in your field of subject.

However, remember that it’s the second step after you become aware of the other disciplines.

Nothing Goes to Waste

Consider this: every bit of knowledge and experience you've acquired thus far, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is some sort of data stored in your memory.

It was something that was previously unknown to you and now you had one more item to share in your arsenal of knowledge.

It never goes to waste. KNOWLEDGE never goes to waste.

Therefore, learn as much as possible about broader topics such as economics, politics, software, computers, poetry, history, science, philosophy, and many more.

Then deep dive into the topics that make you desire more.

Lastly, you can still be an expert in only one or two things, but now you have much more than that to rely on, some additional information to speak for you.

