Embracing Employee Privacy: Safeguarding Their Online Presence and Location

A business owner’s perspective on how to balance digital connectivity with personal privacy

Emma Brown, KeepSolid
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

More and more digital opportunities are opened every day. From ordering pizza in the app to managing smart home devices being far away from home. The recent years we’ve handled even remote management of all working processes, starting from planning team tasks up to corporate meetings and events. And the more opened doors we have, the lesser secure our digital identity and data become.

That is the reason why responsible business practices become more comprehensive. Today they include not only “read before you sign” (which is still relevant), but the necessity to ensure the privacy and security of data online. Including the personal details of employees and customers.

In this article, I would like to share some insights and methods, related to the complexities of protecting employee information from online surveillance and approaches I’ve used to develop a secure and harmonious work environment.

The Ethical Imperative: Respecting Employee Privacy

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

Today, when an enormous amount of information about all of us can be easily got, employers must guarantee the right balance between the privacy of all employees and their involvement. At first sight, these things are not related, but in general, workers, who understand that their personal boundaries and privacy are respected, will be more productive, motivated, and loyal to the company they are working for.

The Challenge of Balancing Boundaries and Security

It is hard to find a company that hasn’t considered and implemented the remote form of work. Of course, it brings a lot of benefits, both for employees and bosses. But some aspects of remote work can be a subject of discussion. For instance, remote work has blurred the lines between personal and professional online interactions.

Constant accessibility, flexible schedules, and informal communication bring us to situations when it’s hard to separate work from personal life. Virtual meetings have made maintaining work-life balance challenging, as does preserving a distinct online presence. As a result, clear boundaries between personal and professional spheres can become difficult to maintain.

Being responsible business owners, we had to take action to shield our employees from harmful communication, potential cyber threats, and unwarranted surveillance.

Developing Confidential Conversations: Encryption in Communication

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Another challenging aspect was finding the balance between transparent communication and safeguarding sensitive information of employees. We decided to adopt end-to-end encryption to protect our communication platforms and make internal discussions and data sharing safe.

Moreover, with Virtual Private Network, we fortified our employees’ internet connections and encrypted their online activities. This measure helped us to minimize the risk of malicious actors’ invasion but also established a secure online environment for the whole team to operate and communicate freely and confidently.

By implementing these measures, we not only demonstrated our dedication to protecting crucial business information but also highlighted our dedication to prioritizing our employees’ right to privacy.

Preserving Privacy: Shielding Employees from Prying Eyes

Another type of information that could be leaked was the location of our employees. And being the guardians of our employees’ trust, it was our responsibility to protect their location information from unwanted scrutiny.

Education forms the bedrock of effective privacy protection. We’ve worked much with our employees, explaining the potential risks of location tracking and the importance of informed decisions about sharing their geographical data.

Informed employees are better equipped to navigate the digital landscape with discernment and caution, minimizing inadvertent disclosures that could compromise their privacy.

We’ve also made a course about digital hygiene, where we’ve explained the rules of creating, storing, and sharing passwords and personal information, the importance of updating software and hardware, and other aspects of cybersecurity.

Safeguarding Digital Integrity Against Competitor and Government Surveillance

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Government and competitors’ surveillance also posed a unique challenge to employee privacy. The best solution for our small company was to conclude a strategic partnership with legal experts, align our data protection policies with regulations, and employ robust cybersecurity practices. This helped us to establish a comprehensive shield against unwarranted government and third-party intrusions.

Building Trust with Open Dialogue on Privacy Initiatives

All our privacy initiatives were discussed in meetings with all team members. It was crucial to maintain transparent communication on all privacy issues to hear all the opinions and encourage a shared sense of responsibility. By explaining the motivation behind our efforts and addressing concerns head-on, we encouraged an atmosphere of collaboration and trust that positively impacted our overall work environment.

To Sum Up

Regardless of what company you run, you can’t ignore the importance of safeguarding employee privacy. In a world defined by digital connectivity, these initiatives are essential investments that not only fortify cybersecurity defenses but also promote a workplace where employees feel valued and secure.



Emma Brown, KeepSolid

Studying how businesses and individuals reach success. Writing about Productivity, Privacy, and Cyber Security. Learn more: https://www.keepsolid.com/