Embracing Equilibrium: The Art of Balancing “Being” and “Doing”

Mary Beth Hazeldine
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2024


An image of legs from the knees down wearing black leggings and bare feet balancing on a board that is on a round green cylinder.
Photo by Gustavo Torres on Unsplash

In a world that often glorifies the hustle, it’s easy to forget the importance of stillness.

As a transformational coach and hypnotherapist, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the relentless pursuit of “doing” can eclipse the essential state of “being.”

But, it’s in the delicate balance of these two states that we find true fulfillment and peace.

Let me share with you not just theories but lived experiences and insights into this dance of duality.

The Chase: When “Doing” Dominates

Our culture applauds the doers, those who achieve, create, and conquer. It’s a narrative I embraced early in my career, often finding myself in a whirlwind of tasks and goals.

I remember a particular week, crammed with client sessions, workshops, and deadlines. Though I was ‘successful’ in conventional terms, there was an emptiness, a lack of connection to my deeper self.

“Doing” is seductive. It offers tangible milestones and societal accolades. But it’s akin to running on a treadmill — you’re moving but not necessarily getting closer to inner peace or understanding. The imbalance can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a disconnection from our authentic selves.



Mary Beth Hazeldine

Chief Inspiration Officer, Spiritual Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Writer, Chef, Dog Lover, Line Dancer, Ex-Banker, MBA— marybeth@marybethhazeldine.com