Embracing The Unknown: Exploring The Call Of Death

The enigma of death

Justine Jacob


Photo by Kai Butcher on Unsplash

The man with billions of dollars in his bank account, the Miss World of the beauty pageant, President Joe Biden, the beggar in the streets, the poor farmer, and Pope Francis are all going to the same place after they die-the grave.

It doesn't matter whether you are a prince or a pauper, literate or illiterate and beautiful or ugly. God judges everyone for their good deeds only while living in this world.

You don't need fine clothes to wear or a banquet of food in the grave. You need only 6 feet of earth to bury your body. Our loved ones mourn for a few days and later get back to their daily routines.

Then what on earth made you cheat the government by evading taxes or denying a decent living to your employees? God sees everything from above.

The Hollywood queens and Bollywood stars breathe their last to go to the grave. Many of you are aggressively pursuing your career, undergoing training with the best brains in the world.

But a few of you regularly quarrel with friends and relatives, not willing to forgive their wrongs. What is the meaning of life always fighting with other people?

Write the below words in big bold letters on an A4 paper and stick it on your mirror.


Let it be a reminder to you like God reminded the rich man in the Holy Bible; who was accumulating food and wine to feast and enjoy the rest of his life. Do you know what God told him, "You fool, I am going to take your life today?"

I sat near the seashore and looked at the horizon. It was evening and getting dark. The moon was coming up in the sky. A new day will break in the morning.

Nothing will happen if you are not in this world tomorrow, except that your loved ones will be sad for a few days. Someone else will replace you after your death and everything goes on like before.

Many people asked me, what happens to us after our death. I firmly believe in Heaven and Hell. But I don't want to argue with anyone on the subject matter. Faith is a gift of God and cannot be proved like scientific theories.

Live a good life in this world and not be too much worried about what happens to us after death. There must be a purpose for our life. For example, one of the main purposes of my life is to spread the right thoughts on how to live in this world.

Many English newspapers offered me thousands of dollars for writing a column (article) in their dailies. But I chose to deliver my articles free of cost through social media platforms, which are read by more than 100 million people each day.

Let us stand up for our principles in life even if there are very few people to support us because of the fear of the rich and powerful lobbies of society. The choice is yours whether to reach heaven after death, even if we have to undergo some suffering in this world.

Always remember that God will give you a mighty blessing from heaven in this life or the life after death, for leading an upright life in this world.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.