Allowing nature to arise in us and around us

5 min readJan 27, 2024


Artist and photography by: HEIDI MALONE | H.LONDON

Nature gives us all the same measure we give ourselves and others. We harm nature and its reserves without given reverence to it.

Is there a reason why we have to pay for the amazing things the earth provides for us already? Water | agriculture | fruit | wood | oil | natural gases | space | time | energy.

We work so hard to get the things of this earth that. are freely in supply and abundance. We are away from our families and loved ones more than ever so that we can get the cheapest form of success (money) to provide for the most valuable parts of our lives.

You can’t go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something that even they don’t believe in, but it is necessary for their survival so they pretend to believe because pretending has been taught to us all. We have placed our loyalties in the wrong place and it has robbed us.

Our innocence, internally and externally, gets stripped away inch by inch, moment by moment. And the internal hatred of our own lives becomes our truth. It becomes our personality. It becomes our reality never understanding why we feel this way. Some are strong enough to survive, others are not. They lose themselves without knowing how to escape.

The responsibility of submerging from the darkness of its existence becomes too sophisticated of a concept to break because of its repeated use and nature.

Anything repeated more than once becomes a habit and your reality becomes inflicted. The nature of this concept is to steal, kill, and destroy your mind, heart, and inner consciousness. Understand, that death is not always physical in nature.

It’s easy to feel as though if we continuously stay blind to what’s really going on, nature will step in and make things happen for us.

Nature does exactly as it should. It’s probably the only entity in this world that doesn’t go against itself. It calls out to you with wisdom and knowledge for a reason. You should lend it your ear.

There is a system that is teaching and raising our children while we work and close our minds off to what’s really being taught.

Why do we allow our children to walk down the same path of slavery as we all do stationed in a cubicle denying all in which they are for someone else’s greater good who already has everything and continuously wants more.

Why should our own children trust us when we can’t even trust ourselves enough to awaken, submerge, and move in total confidence?

We are their guardians, yet we don’t understand our task. And we don’t. know how to access the true knowledge to give them which is inherently located within us. We fail them continuously. We stay asleep in our slumber.

We are afraid because we fear what we do not know. And what we do not know, we live in it every single moment of our lives already. Take yourself out of being a victim and start living with tenacity and vigor, enlightenment and honor, compassion and forgiveness. Judge less, act more. Move mountains. Journey the terrain.

Awake into your consciousness!!. Emerge!!

Put in every effort you can muster to be the light that is needed in your world and in the world of others who can not find their way because their light has been dimmed significantly over time.

We constantly say that we work our jobs. and choose our careers because we want to help others. THIS IS NOT REAL!!!

This teaching has been ingrained in us for a very long time now. At times, especially these times, it seems inescapable.

However, we work our jobs because we are told that we should work in order to take care of ourselves and our families. It’s called survival. It’s not called living.

Always striving but never arriving.

If we are truly helping others, are we designing ideas so that we never have to pay for the things that belong to the earth already?

Are we implementing those ideas? Have we removed our fears and started walking in our purpose? Have we started loving ourselves so that we can truly love others? Have we courageously awakened from our slumber?

The things of nature are inherited to us, but we are so far removed from freely receiving its abundance. Why?

Are we allowing our children to cultivate from their own individual inner dynamic taking them away from those who want to manipulate them into believing they are beneath and never above?

Are we implementing a holistic healthcare environment that teaches true health consciousness to the world?

Are we paying the highest form of currency (attention) to the world we live in, nature, and what’s going on around us?

Can we open our eyes for a moment even though it hurts to see?

I have seen my father work all his life and still come home with a smile on his face and tears on his heart without one complaint ever.

I have seen my mother learn and advance through every trade she had ever had an interest in, with the knowledge that she was provided, and never arrive in her outer world, never reaching her promised land. Her true satisfaction was her service to others.

What I could see from standing on her most electrifying side is that she cared more for her service to others than her own self. At the age of 65, she and my father are still working as hard as ever.

When will they arrive? At what moment are they free to live fully and experience abundance.? Being sure, she would tell me that she has everything that she needs without understanding that she has been robbed repeatedly by those who have her power.

This method of living has repeated itself in my family as well as other families because our own minds don’t belong to us anymore.

It has been stolen since infantry. It has been influenced to do something against itself.

So, in order to evolve, we must awaken what lies dormant inside of us and truly submit to what we find. Move towards the light and frequency it provides, for it is life to us all.




As I breathe in, I allow. As I breathe out, I surrender. The quality of breath and frequency enables the intensity in which you live.