Emoji Bollocks

Really! I am not ‘woke‘ and never likely to be.

Harry Hogg
Feb 15, 2021


Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Political correctness
For anyone that knows me
Isn’t natural behavior
Especially after whiskey

I feel I’ve lost some vital part
A fear or misunderstanding
What is appropriate to say
Or which is the polite emoji

What fear must I brave?
Disconnect from one another
What hug is considered acceptable
When it’s not my love or brother

The news this morning informs me
The laughing emoji is not cool
Who makes this stuff up
Probably never pissed in the pool

Doesn’t free expression mean
Without condition or expectation
Stuff you young political experts
Go find some relaxation

I don’t need to be educated
Not to stare and not say fuck
I have my self-awareness
I can text my laugh — go suck



Harry Hogg

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2025