Mental Health | Relationships | Psychology

Emotional Insecurity, Defense Mechanisms And Disorders

An analysis of human behavior, bullying, and coping

Kevin Buddaeus
Published in
8 min readMay 11, 2020


Being able to understand and control our emotions is described as emotional security. We have our goals, our perception of the world, and a good understanding of our own capabilities. We aren’t swayed by negative impacts from outside and can quickly regain our footing if we stumble.

“One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a shit.”
J. A. Konrath

Emotional security is understood as a part of what’s called emotional resilience, the ability to endure a stressful situation or crisis, and quickly fall back into pre-crisis behavior. Someone who is emotionally secure and resilient will recover more quickly from PTSD or other negative effects of a stressful situation or crisis as someone who is emotionally insecure.

Emotional insecurity

Emotionally insecure people on the other hand often develop unhealthy behavioral patterns, such as arrogance, aggression, or even bullying. When faced with a crisis, this can leave marks on their…



Kevin Buddaeus

Follow me on this long journey to grow and learn together. We can make the world a better place. Connect with me via Twitter: @KBuddaeus