Emotions are the byproducts of limited perspective

Jahnvi Malik
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2023
Photo by Callum Skelton on Unsplash

A few days back as I struggled with my emotions I realised something. It’s hard to do anything in life if you are feeling emotionally sick or experiencing emotional breakdowns. Whenever it gets too overwhelming for me I have often found my mind giving me reasons to cope with it. The way everyone deals with their problems and emotions is very different, I have seen some people feeling totally stuck and hopeless like there isn’t a way out of it or that they have just decided to give up because nothing else is going to work out.

For me, my brain starts rummaging for different reasons or let’s say tries to look at it from a different perspective. It could be a coping mechanism I developed over time to escape any sorts of hurting feelings, so it starts happening with me as soon as my emotions become too overwhelming to handle and I know I’m heading towards something called an emotional breakdown. So when this happened with me last week, I thought to myself if we really consciously start practising this it could be very helpful and made me realise…

How the problem isn’t what matters but our way of dealing with it does. It’s cliche but certainly true how a perspective shift can change and sometimes even eliminate the problem. The hero line of this story that inspired me to write this-

Emotions are the byproducts of limited perspective

In our brains we look at the situation that sometimes is far from the reality of it. The truth is something else and it’s only because we can’t look at it or hold our single minded perspective for too long we face sadness. In other words, most of the times the sorrow is induced from our way of looking at a problem and not the problem itself and as soon as you change it you’ll see the problem becomes ineffective.

We think and feel depressed about certain things that are merely the fragments of our imagination and are confined to our heads. Sometimes, you feel sad about something, let’s say you feel sad about people judging you and not liking you, now this is coming from a place of insecurity and lack of acceptance for who you are and not from your reality.

When you change or widen your perspective you can snap out of any emotion

You feel angry because you choose to look at it from a definite point of view, you feel hurt because you view it in a certain way that is highlighting your unhealed parts (a person at your place may not get hurt by it), you feel sad because you are probably insecure about something and decide to use that perspective to analyse your situation. Hence, your emotions are a result of your perspective that is shaped by your unhealed subconscious.

To heal your subconscious beliefs and then look at the problem from an expanded perspective is one way to overcome it

No amount of overthinking, anxiety, planning, worrying or stressing out helps the situation become better. Yet, we frantically worry and to not do that isn’t really in our control. Until, we see ourselves out of the situation we can’t help but feel dejected, lost and worrisome. And once we are out of it, we barely even realise that it’s gone because that’s the algorithm of life maybe. It’s not always that you’ll find a grand escape out of hard times, somedays it’s going to work out for you really slow while you’ll be feeling like it’s the end of life and in no time you will find yourself worrying about or being occupied with something else without ever getting a chance to feel grateful about being out of a once troublesome time for you.

What you can be sure of is that something is always working for in your favour

When we are stuck in difficult overwhelming situations- financial, emotional, physical, or mental, we pray and wish for so many miracles that according to us can pave a way out of the trouble for us. But, how many times have you come out of the difficulty through YOUR planned or thought way because God or the universe has its own way of helping us, the ones we can never really think of which is why we often find ourselves feeling hopeless.

You can’t have the eyes or the wit to see or understand God’s plan but what you can have is faith in God

The message I want to convey by writing this is not to bottle up your emotions and not confront them by running away or escaping from them, it is important to process your feelings. Rather the message that lies behind this is to not ruin your day by a bad thought.

Life is a see saw. A very childish thing I said when I was little was that I will always stay unhappy now, irritated by the constant sadness I thought it will never go away so I should stop trying to change it and the next moment I was happy and excited about something totally forgetting that I was going to be unhappy forever. Just the way happiness can’t stay forever even sadness can’t.

I wrote this for me to read when I’m going through a difficulty, to realise and write this down when feeling better is easy but to actually practise this when you are feeling low is hard and almost impossible for humans so save this in your reading list and go through it when you need it. I promise it will make your day better too.

A thought that can change the way you look at sadness

Oneness is the law of universe, good and bad, happy and sad, beauty and ugliness, right and wrong, light and dark are all ONE at a higher frequency so feel sorrow the way you feel the joy and let everything pass

P.S. When I was writing this, I lost half of my story as it didn’t get saved and I had no copy of it. I felt annoyed and unfortunate as my hard work went in vain but my instant thought was to get out of that feeling by telling myself that it never happened and I’m writing it for the first time or that it happened for some better reason, to teach me an important lesson of getting up and after 5 minutes of frustration I started rewriting it. For the kind of impatient person I’m, this is the first time I had done something like this and it was only in the spirit of the subject I was writing on I decided to do it. And I ended up adding more meaningful content to what I was about to publish before it got lost. All of this sounds like something that is good to be read in books but life changes when you start practising it in your life and nobody will be more proud of you when you overcome a challenging situation than you yourself.



Jahnvi Malik

Hi, I’m new here. Through my writing, I aim at shifting perspective and generating better thoughts