The Women in Black

More than a reverie on the rosary

Margie Pearl


Smiling nun
“Smiling nun” by Ben Eekhof Fotografie is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Nuns make a great subject for jokes.

During my seven years in a Catholic girl’s school, I discovered that real nuns are funnier than any jokes about them.

My introduction to nuns came from my sister’s need for special services. She had an autism diagnosis and had been non-verbal. My parents and aunt did a mountain of research to find the best school to help my sister continue her progress in social integration.

The Visitation Sisters

When my family moved to Minnesota, I attended the Convent of the Visitation school with my sister. We were the ‘non-Irish twins’ of grade 3 and they put us in separate classrooms.

My sister got the nice nun, a special education teacher.

I got the mean one who accused me of cheating for looking up math answers at the back of the textbook.

It’s cheating if it’s a test and your grade depends on it.

It’s not cheating if you are trying to understand the lesson. Math was a hard subject for me.

The order of the symbols and the word usage in a math problem makes a big difference. The concise descriptions at the back of the book were essential to my solving the math equations. I needed to know…



Margie Pearl

Tell me a story! Author, storyteller, poet, seamstress, knitter, gardener.