Energy Body Hack to Know If You Need Supplements

Are supplements good for us and how do we know if we really need them? Try this DIY energy body hack without having to go to the doctor.

You, Me and Happiness


DIY Hack to Know If You Need Supplements? Are supplements good for us and how do we know if we really need them? Try this hack without having to go to the doctor.
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

Many people take supplements they do not need and I will tell you how I realized this through personal experience.

Are supplements good for us and how do we know if we really need them? I’ll share with you an energy body hack that a cancer survivor passed on to me.

I used to take Vitamin C, D, Omega 3, Zinc, Multivitamins, and Calcium and I am sure other supplements that I cannot recall right now.

I have not taken a supplement for years. I am also not on any fortified foods or shakes and the like.

Many years ago I met a woman who had healed herself from cancer. She taught me many things. One of which was how to know if your body needs something.

We first practiced on supplements and then I used the same method of testing with other foods.

I was amazed!

It was like pure magic and also a fun game.

You are going to love this method and you will never have to worry about taking pills/supplements that you don’t really need.



You, Me and Happiness

Helen Müller | Writing to inspire Conscious Living | Helping 🔝Entrepreneurs Be Happy ➜ 🌐