Engage your Team

Performance Reviews that Matter

Douglas Pilarski


Photo by Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

Companies gain when they can make evolutionary changes in the work performance of their team. Associates benefit from the feedback about the job they are doing.

It is a business imperative that performance management is grounded in trust, fairness, and open communication.

What is a performance review?

Whatever your company calls it, the review is a formal assessment of work performance over time. A performance review is given at regular intervals. The idea is to go into detail about strong points and weak points on the job. It is an opportunity to get on the same page, offer feedback, and set goals.

What if performance starts with the Board of Directors? Say the Board assigns metrics to the CEO. The CEO rolls their metrics out to the CXOs. The CXOs, in turn, roll them down to their Ps. The Ps cascade the metrics to their organizations, all the way to the trenches. Sounds complicated, and it is.

The benefit to the organization, and the



Douglas Pilarski

Douglas Pilarski is an award-winning writer & journalist.