
What does it mean to be ‘enlightened’?

Bob Jasper


Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

This is day 4 of my spiritual journey during Lent. I know, we are two weeks into Lent, but I got a late start. Forgive my tardiness. I’ll try to make it up.

Seeing the challenge to write a story or poem using the prompt “enlightenment,” that Simran Kankas put out recently on Spiritual Tree, I did what I usually do. I googled it, and up came the following definition:

“1: the act or means of enlightening: the state of being enlightened.”

Really!? That’s very enlightening!

Seriously, that’s what a dictionary gave as the first definition. I don’t know about you, but my English teacher taught us never to use the word or its derivatives in the definition.

To be fair, dictionary said:

“3: Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering.”

That’s more like it.

According to Wikipedia,Enlightenment is the full comprehension of a situation.”

My understanding from 3 above is that Buddhists seek to attain such a state.

I can imagine what life without suffering would look like. Who wouldn’t want that? Thankfully, most of my life I’ve lived with little suffering. Considering my age, that…



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.