A Small Prayer to Medium Readers

If you read an article and like it to any extent, I pray thee praise it a little bit

The Wordsmith🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸™
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2022


Praising Hands | credit: Jacob Bentzinger | Unsplash (royalty-free under Unsplash license; cropped by author)

Say a little prayer for me. Let Me Know You Were There

I publish on Medium in several genres to be read and appreciated, not out of averice and not out of a compulsion to spew thoughts like so much jetsam into the social media seas. No matter the genre — memoir, social commentary, essay — I believe I have something to say some people would like to read. When people do read it and let me know not only that they have but that some part of it resonated with some part of them, I’m gratified. I’m reassured that my belief is not solely sourced in hubris.

I spend time and expend energy on every piece I write. It gets not only my full authorial and editorial attention but also a piece of me. Sometimes it’s a piece of my heart, sometimes of my brain. I would like to know, sometimes, that it resonated with some of you.

So, clap, would you please?

It hurts when no one does. It’s the easiest way to give positive reinforcement. It would be really nice for me if you did. It would be nice for you too.



The Wordsmith🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸™

Alex (Steve Alexander)/Existentialist Extraordinaire/Opinionated & grumpy gay septuagenarian contrarian content in his current station/