Essayist, Poet, Screenwriter, and Comer Upper of Weird Ideas.


Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
2 min readMay 12, 2020


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Hello there.

I’ve wanted to be a writer ever since I could read. I loved LEGOs, perhaps that where it came from. Writing is a lot like LEGOs; you have a massive number of small weird pieces that you can connect together to make something incredible.

Through reading, I could wonder at the structures great people had built, study them, and learn how to make my own.

When I went to school, I was taught how to construct structures that would argue a point. While not the magnificence narrative stories had awed me with earlier, I found a respect for essays; they’re efficient and persuasive.

I had points, political and philosophical points mostly, that I wanted to argue, so I learned the essay format first. It has served me well, so well that that is mostly what I write now.

Poetry sort of grew out of essays. I think of writing poems as looking at a part of the world and translating that part into as concentrated an assortment of pieces, words, as possible.

Essays convey arguments quite well. Poems, the type I like anyway, convey one feeling, as though it were an experience, quite well too.

Screenwriting is another sort of structure. There’s a clear template for it, far clearer than even essays, poems, or novels, I think. What drew me into it was realizing there was this template, and that I knew it; after that the rest is easy.

That is to say, as easy as writing can ever be, which isn’t saying much.

These are what I’ve done so far. Tens of essays, tens of poems, and one screenplay worth anything, but I’m quite happy with it. There’s just one more structure I want to try out, novels. Wish me luck!

Medium as a whole, and ILLUMINATION more specifically, are wonderful places to try out all the different structures of writing. I’m here to share my ideas, absorb new ones, and keep on learning.

Thanks for having me!



Tyler Piteo-Tarpy

Essayist, poet, screenwriter, and comer upper of weird ideas. My main focus will be on politics and philosophy but when I get bored, I’ll write something else.