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Europe leads the way on set rules for Artificial Intelligence

A framework to balance between protecting citizens and fostering technological development.

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2020


The EU has released recommendations on artificial intelligence regulation to balance protecting customers and to promote technological growth. These include an agreement on IP problems, a development ethics policy, and liability rules setting penalties of up to € 2 million and a 30-year limitation period for such claims.

In this article i propose a summary of key proposals.

These are amongst the first detailed legislative proposals to be published internationally, so make for interesting reading for stakeholders worldwide. The recommendations cover three areas:

  • an ethics framework for AI
  • liability for AI causing damage
  • intellectual property rights

For AI product producers, these ideas merit careful consideration. Specifically, those running “high-risk” AI face the possibility of a rigorous new regulatory regime. Next year, the European Commission said it would issue draft regulations on AI.

The Commission could well adopt any of the European Parliament’s proposals, or variants on them. Affected stakeholders will…



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader