Evaluating Effort Vs. Reward: Why Considering Your Return On Effort is Crucial For Success.

Getting the most bank-for-buck on your Sweat-Equity.

Thinker Boy


Image by Mid Journey AI and Author.

When investing money, we usually think about return on investment because every investment comes with an inherent risk. So why don’t we give the same discretion when we risk our sweat equity?

Shouldn’t we be thinking about our Return on Effort in everything we do? The fundamental question we need to examine seriously is:

“Is this going to be worth my time and energy?”

Time is a non-renewable resource, and if we were more prudent with our Return on Effort (ROE), we would likely save ourselves a lot of headaches, wasted time and grief. The tricky thing is figuring out how to measure our ROE because it requires finding creative ways to quantify it.

As a creative professional, I learned about measuring my ROE too late, so I spent a lot of my time and energy. For too many years, I believed in operating at maximum effort regardless of what progress I had to show for it.

Although I managed to make a career out of my efforts, it came at a considerable cost and sacrifice to my social and family life. The progress I made was like extracting blood from a stone — an extreme amount of Effort



Thinker Boy

A deeper understanding of all things humans struggle against. 25+ years as a professional freelancer and solo-preneur.