Events Surrounding the Death of Wrestler Owen Hart

Owen Hart was a popular WWF wrestler during the 90s

Abdul Kader
5 min readMay 16, 2022


Wrestler Owen Hart in the ring image source:

Oven Hart died while performing a stunt at the WWF’s Over The Edge Pay-Per-View event at Kemper Arena in Kansas City on May 23, 1999. He fell directly into the ring from a 70 m height and was declared dead after a few minutes at the hospital.

Jim Ross announced Owen’s death live on T.V

Jim Ross had to announce Owen’s death live on T.V. Fans in the arena were puzzled as nobody knew what happened. Everybody thought it was a part of the storyline. But Jim Ross had to clarify that Owen had fallen and had been taken to hospital. Both Jim and his partner Jerry Lawler were stunned and didn’t know what to say to the confused crowd. Jim Ross was constantly in touch with the medical staff of WWF to know about Owen’s condition. After a few minutes, he was informed that Owen Hart is dead. Jim Ross should be praised for the way he handled the situation. He was terrified. Fans were puzzled. It wasn’t going to be easy to let the fans know that their favorite wrestler Owen Hart has died. But Jim had to announce it anyway. You can find the video on YouTube.

Was the Incident Captured?

There were cameras in every corner of the arena. The incident must have been captured by the cameras. Unfortunately, the footage is nowhere to be seen. It is kept in the secret folders of the WWF video library. The videos kept in the secret folders are never out in public.

There are some photographs of Owen hart’s last moments. He can be seen lying motionless surrounded by the medical team who is seen giving him CPR but not enough to revive him. He fell flat in the ring. His last words were “lookout”. He knew he was falling but was shouting to make the referee inside the ring aware to save him from his 250-pound body from falling on him.

The referee was saved as Owen just brushed him aside and the next moment the referee saw him lying and he shouted for help.

Owen died after a few minutes or who knows if he died on the spot.

What exactly happened?

Owen was booked for a match with fellow wrestler The Godfather for the intercontinental championship. As WWE matches were scripted and winners were declared before the match, Owen was winning the championship that day.

Owen was about to make an entrance from the top where he would be lowered through a shackle. A similar entrance was performed in WCW by wrestler Sting. And Vince McMahon wanted Owen to perform a similar type of entrance where he would be lowered from the top directly into the ring.

In her book, Broken Harts: The Life & Death of Owen Hart, Martha provides some details about the accident.

“Down in the ring, a referee was clearing debris from the hardcore match. On the Jumbotron was a forty-second profile of the Blue Blazer.

Perhaps being somewhat choked by the cumbersome cape, Owen extended his elbows out and away from his body in an effort to make a subtle adjustment. It was then the three riggers were horrified to hear the distinct sound of the snap shackle’s release.

Talbert looked down immediately to see Owen plunging towards the ring, falling backwards and in a slight clockwise spiral before landing violently 78 feet below. Several fans heard him scream in terror all the way down.

For most who were glued to the video montage on the Jumbotron, the first they saw of the Blue Blazer live that night was the split second before he savagely met the top rope of the wrestling ring. Narrowly missing the metal post that supported the turnbuckle in the southwest corner of the ring, Owen’s upper left side absorbed the violent impact of his plunge.

Shattering his left arm just above the elbow and causing massive internal injuries upon initial contact, Owen was flipped backwards by the highly strung cable. His 229-pound body caromed into the ring, where it sprang a foot off the canvas before settling in the corner. Lying motionless on his back, with his feet pointing towards the center of the ring and his head mere feet from the apron, it took several seconds for his rubbery arms to rest at his side after bouncing off the spring-like canvas.

Unconscious due to the violent impact that tore his aorta and instantly began filling his lungs with blood, an innate survival reflex prompted the muscles and nerves of a wide-eyed Owen to attempt to sit up. Described by one man as looking like someone struggling to finish off a set of 100 abdomen crunches with one final, desperate attempt, Owen was unable to do much more than lift his masked head a few inches off the mat. His attempt at one final, desperate breath finished with him returning his head to the mat and turning towards a ringside photographer, his eyes staring blankly ahead.”

Owen Hart’s grave image source :

Martha accused WWF of Negligence

Maratha Hart accused WWF of negligence & held them responsible for Owen’s death. Martha in her book says “Owen was the most cautious person I knew. He would never take an uncalculated risk. He was not a thrill-seeker or an extreme person in any way. The thought that there must be negligence was a disturbing revelation to me. I didn’t know how or in what form the negligence was. I just knew I needed to investigate it further.”

Though wrestling is scripted and all moves are choreographed, a single mistake could result in injury. The stunt would have been performed more cautiously or not performed at all. It would have been like any other day for Owen. He could have finished the match and returned home to be with his family. He could go on to wrestle and wrestle and reach the zenith in the professional wrestling world. Owen could’ve been alive today. Only if that stunt was avoided.

The Owen Hart Foundation

Martha filed a lawsuit against WWF but agreed to an out-of-court settlement. She was paid $18 million for the damages. Maratha started The Owen Hart Foundation in memory of Owen. She also published a book named “Broken Harts: The Life and Death of Owen Hart” which reveals a lot about Owen’s life and the events surrounding his death.



Abdul Kader

Writer | Helping you fix your emotional problems & accelerate your personal growth.