
Ever Heard of ‘By Two’ Coffee?

This is something fun and unique to Bangalore

Anu Anniah
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Anu Anniah

Bangalore is a melting pot of multiple cultures. The standing joke in Bangalore is that if you are an outsider, we will talk to you in your language. We are very accommodating that way. An average Bangalorean knows at least 4–5 languages and will gladly learn yours too.

With this level of what we call ‘adjustment’ rampant in our psyche, you’d expect that we must be a mishmash of cultures with nothing unique. Luckily, no!

There are several things that are uniquely Bangalorean and have remained that way. One of my favorites is the concept of by two coffee.

What does ‘by two’ mean?

Exactly what it sounds like — buy one coffee and split it among two people. In most cultures, this sort of thing would be strange. Out here, it is commonplace.

You can walk into any of the hundreds of local fast-food joints fondly known as darshinis, and ask for a by two coffee. The guy serving coffee (or tea) will not bat an eyelid.

Typically, a cup of strong hot filter coffee in any fast-food restaurant costs anywhere between Rs.20 — Rs.50. Sometimes friends saunter in for a snack and coffee, and they really don’t want a full glass of…

