Every Piece of a shattered Soul has a Story

Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2020


Image by Author

“You are very brave”, I hear this phrase very often. Only I know how hard it was to earn this…

A very deprived childhood, an exploited youth, a cruel failed marriage, and many other misfortunes that broke me time and again and shattered my soul into a thousand pieces. Going through all this made me find an escape corner very early in life. That escape was reading. I used to spend whole days hidden in a storage room, reading novels, and other books meant for elders. Those were not children's books but neither was my life.

Books made me realize that I was a nostalgic person. I fell in love with the ‘classic’ genre as I grew older. I never thought about writing ever until I started working in a news channel as a content developer. It was not my type of writing but I loved doing it. Like many other people who grow up in broken families, I also had a fear of facing people. I could not imagine writing freely without getting anxious about people judging me.

Then a few years ago I met my second husband, my life savior. His support and love gave me so much confidence and I improved a lot.

During this lockdown, I noticed Medium. So I thought I should try writing and I joined Medium in the last week of April 2020. It was my husband’s idea to write about culture and social justice.

