Learn the Art of Saying “No”. Save 10 Hours per week.

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4 min readDec 28, 2022
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

One of the most challenging skills for an individual is learning to say “no.” It is also the turning point of anyone’s life. When you start using this art, your life immediately comes on the proper track. This habit saves you in the most challenging situation of your life. I will put situations and habits where you can say no to them and get rid of them with little effort. It will save you money and time and keep healthy relationships.

Identify your priorities: When it comes to saying no, you first need to determine your preferences. It plays an essential role in our lives and helps us in the flow of our daily life routines. Ambiguity in our society easily distracts from our list of priorities. But if we stick to it, we get a sense of accomplishment. We start identifying our priorities from a young age and keep doing it until we get what we want and what matters to us. As life passes, our priorities will be bigger and bigger. Keep in mind that set those priorities which make sense to you in the future.

When you’re clear about your purpose and priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar. by Victoria Moran.

Being too nice: is an admirable habit, but sometimes people take advantage of it. Our planet is full of selfishness, negativity, darkness, and evil. But still, some people cling to humanity even in times of trouble. If you’re nice, you need to set solid boundaries, so it’s up to you to decide when to open the door to whom. It’s hard for a kind person to master the art of saying no to someone’s interference, but you must take the initiative for a balanced life. It took me years to understand and apply this stuff, but remember, the smaller your circle, the better your mental health.

People think I’m a weak person because I’m a nice person. But I don’t think being nice means you don’t know how to make tough decisions.

Gianfranco Zola

Overcommitment: Sometimes, you commit and promise to do something. But when the deadline approaches, you get stressed and start working until you are tired, and then fulfill your commitment. But the quality of the work didn’t meet your standards or expectations and left you disappointed. It will ruin your reputation. Overcommitment is the worst enemy of your productivity. Filtering your opportunities is the most crucial skill to master. Saying no with respectfully declining will save you from an upcoming lousy reputation.

Overcommitment is what happens when your enthusiasm for life collides with the reality of your calendar. Rachel Schultz

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Overthinking: itself is not a mental illness. It is associated with conditions including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. Forbes Health.

The primary cause of overthinking is too much care for past or future events and expecting the worst outcomes. After a period, it becomes a habit. It is like going too deep into your thoughts and finding yourself stuck in a never-ending “what if.” It is also considered the primary cause of most chronic mental diseases. To live healthily, you need to say no to your brain on overthinking and restructure your way positively.

Over-hectic: Being busy is considered a badge of honour for an individual. But the consequence of these hectic schedules is an increasing number of young people with mental diseases. In Japan alone, every year, +20k people commit suicide.

For a short period, putting ourselves on a too-busy schedule is a good thing, and showing a responsible personality, but in the longer term, it will produce substantial mental disadvantages like anxiety, stress, and depression. To avoid these harmful effects, we have to say no to all overtime activities because nature has set some rules for all the creatures on the planet. You must need to follow these rules to stay active physically and emotionally.

Only in silence do I find myself. Life in the city is so hectic that you lose the right perspective. It’s important to know that our biggest resources are in our hearts. Rabindranath Tagore.

Hypersomnia: Hypersomnia is characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep. NINDS. It is considered a disease where a patient always tries to nap in the daytime. Other symptoms are irritation, restlessness, hallucination, memory difficulty, and slow speech. The leading causes of that disease are sleep apnea and drug or alcohol abuse, and sometimes due to lack of sleep at night time. To become a productive person, you must visit your doctor regularly. You can say no to this disease through a proper medicine schedule and sleep pattern.

Takeaway: Sometimes life puts you in situations where you have no option but to say no or yes. Remember, you have goals you want to achieve at a specific time. You will lose momentum and motivation if you always think of others and try to please them. It leads you nowhere. To keep on track, remember a common rule: it is not important what you are saying but how you are saying it. Always promise on those occasions where you can fulfill it according to your expectations.

Hi, I’m Ramiz. I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, consider buying me a coffee. I am not in the Medium partner program still, so caffeine helps with writing and financially.


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I am Mental Health Writer and Registered Nurse. Let's build Medium a better place . ghunna28@gmail.com