Everyone Wants to Be a Plus One. The Fun Instead is in Being a Zero

Chris Hadfield had this great insight in “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth.”

Nishith Goyal
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2021


Are you a Plus One, A Minus One, or a ZERO?

Let me start with how Chris Hadfield defines the three terms in his famous book — An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth.

“Whenever you enter a new situation, whether this is a rocket ship or a meeting room or even a fresh personal relationship, you will be viewed as one of three things.”

  • A Minus one — actively harmful, someone who creates problems, or
  • A Zero: your impact is neutral and doesn’t tip the balance one way or the other, or
  • A Plus one: someone who actively adds value.

Reread them.

Now answer again.

Where do you see yourself?

Yes, indeed, we all want to be plus one. Not just at some stage of our life, but every day.

Becoming a Plus One is a temptation.

Whether you are a parent, working for a 9 to 5, own boss, a side hustler, or anyone — it’s hard to stay from the itch of becoming a “plus one.”



Nishith Goyal

Author of two books, Creator - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Long-distance runner, diarist, Podcaster. Writes about Journaling, Self, and Positive Impact.