Everything is a Blessing, Nothing is a Curse

Dr. Shalini Garg
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2024

Life is a beautiful game of balance, there’s nothing missing, we just need to decode the blessing in every life situation.

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Everything is a blessing nothing is a curse. What we often perceive as a curse is actually the universe’s way of balancing our life journey, making it smoother in the long run. The ride of a seesaw or roller coaster is more thrilling when it goes up and down equally rather than staying constant at high. Similarly, life’s lows make the highs more enjoyable. Without experiencing difficult times, we can’t truly appreciate the good ones.

Consider the period of a caterpillar inside its dark cocoon. This phase is crucial for its transformation into a strong and resilient butterfly. Similarly, a woman’s nine months of pregnancy, are filled with various experiences and pain, culminating in the incredible blessing of childbirth. A seed buried in the dark soil endures adverse conditions only to emerge as a beautiful plant, offering shade, flowers, and fruits to the world.

These are the blessings which we know and expected but there are some blessings hidden in our testing times that only God knows. We often consider the difficult situations of our life as a curse but in actuality they are necessary trials that help restore balance in our lives, balance we might not have created on our own.

As humans, it’s quite natural to fall into despair during such testing times, making us question the justice of God. Then we look for solutions from so-called spiritual gurus or astrologers, only to feel more lost or confused.

Most of us have gone through such moments of doubt and confusion in our lives at some point or the other.

Recently, I attended Dr. John Demartini’s two-day online workshop, “The Breakthrough Experience,”. Dr. Demartini, a renowned human behavior scientist, an author of several books, and a highly learned man guided us through this method that helped every participant to have profound realizations.

It was a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience and I feel fortunate to be a part of this great workshop working live with him. Every participant discovered a breakthrough in their breakdowns that’s why this workshop was named so.

For those who had lots of grudges and complaints about some people or situations in their lives that they were unable to let go of, there was an exercise that required finding at least 20 benefits from that negative incident or a person who wronged them. Initially, this task seemed quite difficult but with Dr. Demartini’s illustrations and live demos, they discovered hidden benefits in these negative experiences.

For instance, if someone felt betrayed in marriage, listing the benefits revealed various hidden advantages, unique to each individual’s life situation.

Then we were asked to reflect on times in the past when we displayed similar behavior to others and list 20 benefits it brought, bringing to light the part of our personality that we often fail to see.

Doing this exercise I realized that my complaints about my in-laws’ constant criticism led me to improve my cooking skills. Similarly, my students, whom I criticized for not studying well, eventually improved academically. Every negative incident appeared to be a blessing in disguise.

The workshop also helped participants find closure from losses. Some participants unable to cope up with the loss of their loved ones, realized that the love and warmth they missed had been filled by others in their life in some form of other as we are the same energy be it friends, family, or even pets.

The two-day workshop was transformative for everyone involved. We engaged in practical exercises that provided answers to our biggest life questions. For a more detailed exploration, I recommend reading Dr. Demartini’s book, “Breakthrough Experience.” While the book is insightful, participating in a live session with Dr. Demartini offers a unique and profound experience.

So, try to see the hidden blessings in your life challenges. Remember, nothing is missing; everything is there. Every breakdown can lead to a breakthrough if we look closely. Life has a beautiful way of balancing itself, filling any voids with unexpected love and support from various channels. Embrace the journey, and you’ll find that everything is, indeed, a blessing.



Dr. Shalini Garg

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.