‘Everything Will Be Alright’ is a Myth.

Stop saying the famous phrase, ‘Everything will be alright’ in hard times and if can’t stop then start saying, ‘Everything will be worse soon’ in merry times too.

Cactus Love
2 min readJun 23, 2020


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When my time jumped off the cliff,
when every moment of my life tripped.
They claimed, ‘Everything will be alright,
and every piece will fall at the right site.’

They happened to be telling the truth.
Cause with time, I declared my truce.
Life came back to a smooth track,
and it felt like I never nothing lack.

But soon after, it happened again.
everything slips from my palm like sand.
They claimed the ‘famous phrase’,
& it turned out to be right again.

By the time passed, I realized
there’s a vicious cycle of good and bad.
Alike earth, Life is also round;
that’s why ‘what goes around comes around’.

Nothing sustains for long, forever.
Not only the light follows the dark,
But also light’s being followed by dark;

like day before night and night after day.

Cause life is a stage of the drama, my mate.
Concept, story, and plot remain the same,
the only difference will be in the face;
but one can never escape any phase.

Therefore, next time when they try to blindfold.
Just remember the history tend to repeat,
if there’s bad, good will be arriving soon;
and if there’s good, be ready for the doom.

‘Put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others’.
It’s a journey of thousands plight before the crash.
Hope for the best and prepare for the blue.
Cause life happens to all, not to the few.



Cactus Love

Can neither undo nor restart. So, resetting my life.