Exactly How Important Being Self-Confident Is When It Comes to Management and Leadership

Do you think your team would be dazzled if you stutter and sweat all over the conference room?

Ivan Popov
5 min readApr 18, 2022


cat in front of a mirror looking at a lion
Image by Mohamed Hassan @ Pixabay

Is it just me, or confidence has turned into a major topic lately?

I mean, yeah, being confident has always been “a thing” for sure, but it’s like nowadays each and every life coach’s goal is to boost your confidence to the fullest and teach you how to implement it in virtually every life aspect.

I take this trend comes from a place of an ever-changing and self-challenging working environment. Decades ago people aimed at nailing this one particular job and hoped for sticking to it for the time being. The majority of our elderly relatives rarely changed jobs. On the contrary, today’s market offers a huge variety of different jobs, business niches, and spheres, and virtually anyone can wake up one day and decide it’s time for them to change their career path.

With all these tendencies slowly becoming the norm, it’s only natural for people to realize the importance of confidence.

How the confidence perspectives changed in time and why in today’s world it’s a crucial skill that anyone aims at mastering

man climbing a ladder
Image by Mohamed Hassan @ Pixabay

All right, before we dive into the subject, let’s first focus more on the meaning behind confidence itself.

Confidence is a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere’ which means “to trust”; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one’s self.


As we’ve stated above, in today’s world of business and career matters differ a lot from how they used to be in the past. Years ago the majority of people were more than happy to nail a specific type of job and stick to it until their retirement days. As you may probably assume correctly, back then self-confidence simply meant being well-aware of your job’s specifications, characteristics, and requirements, and doing them correctly and on time. Rarely did people feel the urge to express their individualities, prove a point, establish leadership relationships, and climb that career ladder.

As opposed to the past, nowadays we constantly hear and read about leadership and entrepreneurship. Today’s business scene of development and career opportunities virtually gives anyone the chance to shine and grow professionally if one desires to do so. This business openness simply turned confidence and self-confidence into mandatory skills and abilities if you want to establish a successful career in entrepreneurship, leadership, and management.

With the variety of opportunities came the people’s desire to constantly develop their abilities and to grow simultaneously with the company and the team. We are all familiar with the fact that in today’s world is quite possible to climb that corporate ladder in only a year of your initial start in the company. Why?

Well, because there is a constant demand for professionals and because everyone is given the opportunity to grow.

To wrap things up, we can safely assume that self-confidence is one of the most demandable skills out there today. The question “Why do you think you are a perfect fit for the job?” easily proves my point — in order to nail that desired position, we have to persuade the interviewer about what makes us professionals. But, at the end of the day, in order to do so successfully, first we have to persuade ourselves more than anyone else.

Forget about successful leadership and management if you lack self-confidence

Self-confidence is closely related to healthy self-esteem.

When we talk about self-confidence, we don’t refer to bossing around and boasting about your successes. It’s more like acknowledging what you’ve done right and believing you can continue to do so as well.

This belief’s development we see strongly in leadership and management. The core role of any leader or manager is to successfully maintain their team’s tasks and to take care of their team’s well-being by ensuring a great working environment and friendly relationships among employees. Imagine having to achieve all this if you lack self-confidence!

Imagine scheduling a team meeting where you have to execute changes, new tasks, new company agendas, and new work-related duties. If you seem insecure and scared, then how do you possibly expect your team to feel otherwise towards you? Leading by example is a crucial part of leadership and management — if you, as a leader, express confidence and certainty, it’s quite likely your team will believe in the idea, in the change, or in the new approach to tasks, and generously embrace what you have to say to them.

Being a self-confident leader or manager tells your team they can trust your judgment both on work-related issues as well as on interpersonal work-related relationships’ input.

How exactly can one implement self-confidence in leadership and management

If you have just stepped into the world of leadership or management or you aspire to become a leader soon, then perhaps the following points would be of great use:

  • learn from the good examples — reach out to successful leaders and managers and get inspiration from their work ethic
  • learn from the bad examples — there are plenty of examples illustrating poor leadership and management that can teach you what not to do
  • listen to your team — sometimes what your team has to say is much more beneficial to your leadership approach than any other work coach
  • take criticism as a powerful way to learn from mistakes — listen carefully when someone criticizes your leadership approach and make mental notes for improvement and development
  • try implementing different work approaches — check which ones prove to be working wonders
  • be confident both in words and in actions — prove daily that you believe in your own expertise and opinions
  • when in meetings, make sure to demonstrate excellent public-speaking skills — more on the subject I discuss in this article right here

In a nutshell

Sometimes great leadership and management have to do mainly with healthy self-confidence and self-esteem.

I’m sure you’ve had some awesome examples of leadership and management — they all were quite confident, didn’t they? Try to avoid showing uncertainty, fear, and disbelief in your own skills and abilities — once you establish yourself as a trustworthy leader that is capable to find a solution for each problem, your team will soon start to look up to you and be happy having you as their mentor.

After all, all your achievements’ success is essentially going to be your revenue regarding your own take on your own self-confidence.

Hi, guys, I’m Ivan and I’m here to share with all of you my passion for words, great content, entrepreneurship, personal development, management, hobbies, and everything in between.

I serve as the CEO of my WordPress Development Agency @ Vipe Studio where I have the pleasure to lead a diverse, wonderful and energetic team of experts. Feel free to contact me anytime — I would love to exchange new ideas and inspire each other!



Ivan Popov

i was once an athlete. then a journalist. now i am a ceo of vipe studio. still running marathons though.