Examining Our Beliefs: The Relevance of Metaphysics and Epistemology

Can We Justify Our Beliefs?

Nino Padilla


Photo by Kuma Kum on Unsplash


Metaphysics is difficult. Even back in college, our lectures were dense and I barely recall our discussions. It is defined as the study of the first principles of things. It asks What is or What exists if there’s anything that exists at all.

It is from the Greek word meaning “after things of nature.” It studies existence including those outside our perception. Since it investigates things beyond material reality, it uses logic rather than perception alone.

Epistemology was more manageable for me. It is the study of knowledge, and it aims to understand how our beliefs relate to truth.

To be considered knowledge, the thing believed must be proven or validated. Knowledge requires three conditions:

  • truth: the coherence with what is believed with reality
  • belief: an acceptance that something holds true or it exists
  • justification: a means used to provide evidence for a belief.

Epistemology serves as the backbone to Metaphysical ideas. Metaphysics examines existence while Epistemology validates our propositions. Instead of simply providing justifications for beliefs…



Nino Padilla

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.