Examining the SHAPE of Existence, Part 2

Envisioning the interconnectedness of everything through Spheres of Human Activity, Proximity, and Engagement

Jonathan Essary
9 min readMar 5, 2024


“The Color & The Shape” — Artwork by the Author, canvas art available at the Space Therapy Shop.

“For the first time, we have the power to decide the fate of our planet and ourselves. This is a time of great danger, but our species is young and curious and brave. It shows much promise.”

— Carl Sagan, Cosmos (1980)

In my last article, we discussed how to think about the SHAPE of Self, Society, Civilization, and Humanity at large. Each shape has a size, quality, and various domains of activity within it. It grows in scale the further away they are from the Self, and uncovered how difficult it gets to comprehend the whole picture the further away yourself we get. We ended with Humanity and its dual-phase type of quality. Quantum thinking might call this superposition if you're nerdy like me about that stuff.

Indeed, Humanity has a superposition in that it is planetarily huge and intimately tiny, encompassing the totality of all of us and each of us simultaneously. It’s tough to think of things that way and how they impact our daily lives, but I find it helpful when stepping back and reflecting on how we interact with each other. So, when topics like climate change, political views, or the future of AI come up, I tend to extract from my mental SHAPE map to understand better where others are coming from and then start forming my opinions.

We’ve journeyed through the intricate dance of human activity, proximity, and engagement, exploring how digital technology reshapes our personal and societal landscapes. Now, let’s broaden our horizon, venturing into the spheres of Earth, the Universe, and Existence itself, where the digital intertwines with the cosmic, revealing the profound impact of our technosapien evolution.

The SHAPE of Existence, Part 2

A generated conceptual composite by the Author of the concentric layers and the various things that occupy the Sheres of Human Activity, Proximity, and Engagement, available at the Space Therapy Shop.

The alarming number of messages demanding your attention and urgency is getting out of control. The human brain has a limited capacity for what it can concentrate on and care about. We have to protect it, which is much harder today. Let’s expand our minds by summarizing the complex systems that make up the Earth, the Universe, and our concept of Existence so that maybe we can keep in mind the totality of our impact.

EARTH — Hypercomplex and planetary!

As one species of humanity across planet Earth, how does X impact or is impacted by the planetary systems it participates within?

Artwork by the Author, canvas art available at the Space Therapy Shop.

All of humanity operates throughout the environment, shaping and being shaped by all ecosystems and ecologies across Earth. Ecologies like Grasslands, Tundra, Mountains, Forest, Oceans, Desserts, Glacers, and I would include Urbanity are the backdrop of all things on Earth. As our culture augments toward hyperconnected global communication networks, what does that mean on a planetary scale for our environment, climate, and life sciences? Sociologists posit a new epoch across the great scale of time we are now in, the Anthropocene. It is an epoch where the scale of human activity has grown to a strength that now affects planetary systems such as the Earth’s climate, oceanic flows, and living ecosystems, where it had never before. In other words, humanity has become a planetary force contending against the other ecologies.

Moreover, we continue developing larger tech-induced hyperobjects by venturing into AI, Quantum Computing, and globalized digital marketplaces that take finite resources and energy to maintain. Both efforts are to develop tech to move us away from the climate threshold, while others are trending in the other direction, catalyzing our climate concern.

“Our intelligence and our technology have given us the power to affect the climate. The Earth is a tiny and fragile world. It needs to be cherished.”

— Carl Sagan, Cosmos (1980)

How can we understand various technologies' impact on the planet more easily and incidentally back onto ourselves? We should all have an inherent awareness of our planet’s ecosystems, how they generally work and interact at large and local scales, and the impact we have on them and they have on us.

Here are some starters regarding our digital footprint on Earth:

  1. Climate Change and Digital Technology: The digital revolution is not without its environmental cost. Data centers, the backbone of our internet, consume an estimated 2% of the world’s electricity, emitting as much CO2 as the airline industry. Yet, technology also offers unparalleled tools for combating climate change. From AI-driven climate models to blockchain for sustainable resource management, digital technology is a double-edged sword.
  2. Biodiversity and Connectivity: Digital technology has the power to both harm and heal our planet’s biodiversity. On one hand, the proliferation of electronic waste and habitat disruption from tech infrastructure pose significant threats. On the other, citizen science apps and remote sensing technology have become vital in tracking and protecting endangered species.
  3. Agriculture and Food Security: Precision agriculture, powered by IoT devices, drones, and AI, is revolutionizing how we grow food, making farming more efficient and less resource-intensive. This technological advancement could be the key to feeding a growing global population while minimizing environmental impact.

THE UNIVERSE — interstellar complexity and astronomically massive, yet it is discoverable.

As we explore the frontiers beyond our planet, what will X provide us in knowledge, wisdom, and insight?

Artwork by the Author, canvas art available at the Space Therapy Shop.

We can no longer limit the understanding of human activity on planet Earth but must stretch our horizon to yet another magnitude further and include the Universe. It is very hard to comprehend, but as we uncover cutting-edge scientific discoveries about how the universe works, how does this impact how we relate to the largest entity known to humankind?

From satellite launches to space exploration missions targeting Mars, we extend our presence beyond Earth. This expansion is not without consequences; it introduces the challenge of space debris and raises questions about the sustainability of our extraterrestrial endeavors. However, deploying telescopes and probes has brought distant galaxies within our view, effectively shrinking the cosmic distances that separate us from the rest of the universe. This new proximity to the cosmos has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It challenges us to consider how our actions on Earth can have ripple effects that reach far beyond our planetary home.

“But the long-term fate of the cosmos cannot be postponed or avoided. No matter where you hide, you will be part of a universe that inexorably marches towards a peculiar oblivion...”

–Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Ends of the World

Understanding our activities and engagement in space requires us to consider the long-term implications of space exploration and the potential for cosmic pollution. The Anthropocene finds a parallel in our emerging relationship with the cosmos. As we venture further into space, we must ask ourselves what legacy we wish to leave in the cosmic timeline. Will our era be marked by the thoughtful exploration and preservation of the universe, or will it be a cautionary tale of overreach and disregard for cosmic ecosystems?

Here are some starters for considering our digital era on the cosmos:

  1. Space Exploration: The digital age has transformed our exploration of the cosmos. From the Mars rovers sending back data to Earth to the James Webb Space Telescope peering into the early universe, digital technology allows us to explore realms beyond our physical reach.
  2. Astrophysics and Big Data: The field of astrophysics now relies heavily on the analysis of big data. The digital processing of vast amounts of cosmic data helps us understand phenomena like black holes, dark matter, and the universe's expansion.
  3. Satellite Technology and Global Connectivity: Satellites facilitate global communication, monitor environmental changes, aid in disaster response, and even track illegal fishing. This orbital network exemplifies our growing digital interconnectedness and its capacity to address global challenges.

EXISTENCE — perplexingly simple yet complex while both infinitely tiny and unimaginably huge.

When we contemplate the universe, we contemplate ourselves insearch for the deepest understanding of how X will impact my very existence.

Artwork by the Author, canvas art available at the Space Therapy Shop.

Existence is a phenomenon that unites all things we can imagine, measure, and engage. In the context of Existence, human activity transcends mere survival and societal functions to encompass our quest for meaning and understanding. Philosophically, we have always sought to comprehend our place in the universe, a pursuit that has shaped cultures, religions, and scientific inquiry.

Traditionally, our understanding of our place in the universe has been limited by our physical senses and the technologies at our disposal. However, advancements in digital technology and astrophysics have dramatically reduced this gap. Through the lens of the SHAPE Map, we see that our proximity to the cosmos is not just a matter of physical distance but also through understanding and connection. Digital platforms and tools allow us to experience the universe in ways that were once the sole province of philosophy and abstract thought, making the infinite more intimate and comprehensible.

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.”

— Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot

The complexity of Existence, spanning from the philosophical to the physical, challenges the limits of our cognitive abilities. Digital technologies supplement our mind’s capacity to grasp these complexities. They act as extensions of our cognitive and perceptual capabilities, enabling us to visualize and understand phenomena beyond our natural sensory and intellectual reach. From quantum simulations that reveal the counterintuitive realities of the microcosm to cosmic visualizations that bring the vastness of the universe into perspective, digital tools help bridge the gap between the philosophical scale of our existence and the physical scale of the universe.

Here are some starters for considering Existence and the digital fabric of our being:

  1. Digital Consciousness: As we integrate technology into every aspect of our lives, we must ponder the emergence of a digital consciousness. This concept challenges our understanding of existence, suggesting that our collective digital interactions create a new form of collective awareness.
  2. Virtual/Augmented Reality and the Essence of Experience: Virtual/Augmented reality technology questions the nature of the experience, offering immersive experiences with spatial and sensorial feedback parameters similar to our physical reality. This blurring of lines prompts us to reconsider what constitutes our existence.
  3. The Singularity and Beyond: The concept of the technological singularity — where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence — presents a pivotal moment in our existential journey. It compels us to envision a future where our creations can redefine the essence of life itself.

Final Thought

Artwork by the Author, canvas art available at the Space Therapy Shop.

Each SHAPE domain is a pool of opportunity, discovery, and nuance where entire disciplines work to unpack their secrets. My goal is to simplify the landscape they create and understand how they fit together to form the things in life we call existence.

To navigate our impact on Earth, the Universe, and our perception of Existence responsibly, we must develop a comprehensive understanding of the SHAPE Map that intertwines all things. This involves:

  • Acknowledging our expanding footprint on the Earth and space, considering the sustainability of our collective activities.
  • Embracing our new proximity to the cosmos and each other as an opportunity to learn and grow while also recognizing the ethical implications of our explorations.
  • Engaging with our frontiers of discovery in a way that respects its mysteries and preserves its integrity for future generations.

Our techno-sapien condition is ever evolving and increasingly places the responsibility on ourselves to be better equipped to navigate our digitally intertwined world. It can be overwhelming at times, pushy, and isolating. I hope these ideas help break down the mysteries of why that may be and provide a new way to look at the world around you. Life is a complex existence these days. Stay vigilant, my friends.

If you’ve made it this far, I sincerely thank you, and I encourage you to follow me here and connect with me on any thoughts this may have inspired. Cheers!



Jonathan Essary

A technologist, designer & researcher specialized in workflows, analysis, and production of complex systems around people & places. thefusionist.beehiiv.com