Hoping Followers Flock to Your Newsletter? Think Again — Here’s What You Can Do Instead

Followers don’t mean sh*t! Sorry not sorry

Divad Sanders


Lazy blogger woman using smartphone in bed
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Ever wondered why your newsletter promos don’t magically turn your social media followers into subscribers?

Trust me, I’ve been there too.

Those Instagram likes and comments make it seem like our fans are just waiting for exclusive industry insight to land in their inbox.

But oh boy, reality can be a buzzkill.

The moment of enlightenment struck me when I dug deeper into my social following. Sure, they engaged with my posts, but they were more like passive admirers than eager email buddies.

Turns out, I’d been casting my net way too wide, hoping to catch every follower in the newsletter web.

If you’re thinking your entire social army is ready to sign up, think again, my friend. It’s time for a reality check.

Shotgun social media is subscriber suicide.

Is social media really the best place to grow your newsletter community?

We all know the siren song of social media metrics — the intoxicating lure of vanity likes and follows. But simply amassing online fans won’t necessarily…



Divad Sanders

Simplifying the marketing strategies used by my favorite brands. My list of favorite tools: bit.ly/founder-library