Member-only story
Experience of supreme pleasure is easy and free
The highest form of beauty
Beauty pleases us. Sublime beauty pleases us supremely.
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”-Keats.
Sublimity is the highest form of beauty of a thing or a living being. The sublime form shocks, astonishes us, inspires awe or adoration, sometimes terrifies us, and then pleases us supremely. You forget yourself completely when you gaze at the sublime thing like the sea, read about the non-violent Indian freedom movement led by a great human like Mahatma Gandhi of India, or see a ferocious animal like the lion or a queen bird like the eagle. Your spirit is uplifted. You go out of your body and only your mind becomes active. Experience of sublimity generates an ambiance of supreme pleasure or ecstasy. You are overpowered. There is complete harmony between, and spiritual union with, the experience and the form of beauty experienced. The outcome is a unique fulfillment of the overflow of the greatest aesthetic pleasure.
Sublimity needs one of the qualifications: immeasurable size or extraordinary matchless non-religious or religious spiritual power in the form of beauty.
The sea amazes you by its immeasurable size when you see it