Fabled Fighters

Riku Arikiri
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2020


There is a past, a path once swept
from those that moved towards the sunset
in search of hope, as they moved intensely
carrying their dreams, and hardships to bare

Thankful they pray, and grateful they become
moving some hearts, aspiring many to come
to walk the path of love, and zest
these people inspire where ever they rest

People tell tales, of the hikers they met
along the way to cold ride, in the murky nights
no fear, they anticipate — they plan forward to
make their success, perfection is guaranteed

Nobody really knows, where they came from or when
it is said, they are the heroes of old — the legends
they never seem to care about the tales, of their feats
they are but people, who jump to save someone in unrest

They have the strength and the compassion to move mountains
they could easily defeat anyone, but fury is not their style
there is but one goal, they aspire to make — it is to see the world
in its glory and the exciting people and food that awaits



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.