Fail Your Way to the Top

Jenn C ✅️
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2024

How Failure Fuels Success

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Failing at 2X is too low a rate. You need to fail 5X to 10X at it first before success hits. Nature has this concept down pat. All you need to do is look in the mirror or look at your pet cat, dog or fish.

How many sperms are released on average in order to successfully fertilize one egg? Take a guess!

Not dozens, not hundreds but millions and billions! This is easier to write than it is to live honestly. Writing and researching this article has made me realise that all those movers and shakers in our world have 3-digit or more fail rates. Those guys embraced failure or at least powered on forward and didn’t choke and stall due to it.

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You are who you are right now. Does it stop you from dreaming? No. Where you are right now in life is only one stage of many. Time never stops moving forward and neither do you. The stage in life you are in now is not forever. It is only for a season. You have to start training for when the season shifts and changes. And it will.

Photo by Village Cricket Co on Unsplash

Failing to hit a homerun or a for six your first few times up to bat is normal. Heck, if you have been playing for years and have been up to bat for hundreds of times then maybe you would have punted one straight out of the field. That’s only AFTER hundreds of poor hits, misses, and then you got better at gauging the angle of the ball, where to place your feet, how to twist and connect. After hundreds of hours of practice, muscle memory kicks in.

So start training. Find resources. Find coaches. Find teammates.

Nothing exists in a vacuum, even in the emptiest of space there’s still quantum particles. All this is to say all the social media clips you see about being a solo success is pure fiction. All the successful solopreneurs have teams.

🔶Want to write better articles?
This means writing more stuff. Write more different styles of stuff. Read better stuff. Read more diverse stuff. Who knows what two different styles you can pull together to make your own unique voice?

🔶Want to have a larger social network?
Start commenting on larger social media accounts you admire and follow. Slapping the like button is not commenting. Drop something thoughtful or reply to another’s comment.

🔶Want to have more friends that are where you want to be?
Start reaching out. This is an age where most people have a cyber footprint. Anyone can be a sleuth. Dig a bit on Google and you can reach just about anyone.

🔶Want to have higher view count?
Start posting the same video but with slightly different tweeks on different accounts. Then check to see what failed and what didn’t. One video but 4 or 5 iterations.

It’s like making a bowl of instant noodles. Serve just plain. Serve with a bit of green onions. Serve it spicy. Serve it spicy with green onion garnish. You get the idea. The base but with slight changes. Fail faster.

🔶Want to join the operator economy?
Lots of options here besides starting a business from scratch. Just like wanting to eat fancy cupcakes.

You can bake a batch from scratch then add fancy icing. Or you can buy store bought cupcakes and add the fancy icing. You still end up with fancy looking cupcakes.

There are options out there. You can buy an existing business and not have to start one from the ground up. Yes, this is not only for people with millions to slap as a down payment. Time to learn more about how to structure a deal.

Nature and the world around us knows that failure is a given in life. So, fail more. The more you fail, the more you learn. The point is to LEARN a tiny bit from each failure. Congrats to those who can learn a lot from each failed attempt. Just remember if you fail but don’t learn. Slap yourself. You HAVE to emerge from the failure pile with something learned grasp in your fist.

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