Failing to Fight the Demon of Resentment.

An Admired Community Man Turned Killer.

Freda Savahl


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Jacob Nicholson was a much-respected man in his community. He had put in eighteen years of hard work at the maize factory. His off duty times was with the Boy Scouts troop, volunteer firefighter, or spending time with his children. Jacob, an active member of his church. He was an all-around model citizen loved by his community.

Everyone in the town admired Jacob — until the day he stuffed two pistols in his pockets, drove to the factory, walked through the plant methodically gunning down friends and co-workers of long-standing.

Jacob fired twenty deadly bullets and left a few casualties.

The community responded with shock, bewilderment, and grief.

Why would their trusted church leader, scoutmaster, loyal neighbor do such a thing?

It took some time to comprehend the complicated reason for Jacob Nicholson’s meltdown.

Detectives and the community began reassembling the pieces of his life that bolstered a town before tearing it to pieces.

Who or what was the demon causing Jacob’s tragic actions?

The community compared notes and put all the pieces together. They saw a picture that had been there all along…



Freda Savahl

Retired Nurse Practitioner WHC /Contract Provider Deployment Military Services. US Citizen. Immigrant from South Africa 1978.