Failure Isn’t The End

Change your perspective to use failures to your advantage

Brandon Aguilera
2 min readSep 17, 2023


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Failures are bound to happen to everyone. Those losses don’t dictate who you are, unless you allow them too.

Turn your losses into lessons.

Everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is, nor will ever be perfect, and that’s the beauty of human nature.

We are meant to grow through experiences. Both good and bad experiences allow us to continue learning to improve ourselves.

A good experience of mine was choosing to go out with some friends for the first time since elementary. Now I regularly go out to play soccer with them almost on a weekly basis. Through this I have improved my social skills, and have become friends with plenty of other people that come play with us.

But along with the good, there has also been plenty of bad experiences. One bad experience of mine was injuring my knee. This terrible mistake I made while playing volleyball not only removed my participation from an upcoming marathon, but caused me to fall into a darkness of bitterness.

I started feeling down, and I didn’t understand why.

I began getting angry at the world for always putting me in situations of injuries.

Always removing me from opportunities that I’ve worked so hard for.

But I also understood that the world didn’t deserve to get shamed.

It was something that I could’ve avoided with just a tad bit more precaution.

So what was I to do? The world isn’t at fault for my actions, I am.

All I could do was continue recovery, and do it right this time.

For months, it felt like the biggest lost of time and energy for me. But one day, I began to look at it differently.

This is only a chapter in my journey. It may take a while to heal back to normal, and that’s okay.

As the saying goes:

“Good things come to those who are patient”

I had to develop emotional patience with myself. I had to get better at managing these negative thoughts that kept entering my head.

I had to learn a new level of patience, in order to truly discover what kind of person I am.

Life isn’t only about physical achievements.

It’s also about the battles you win in the shadows; the victories that nobody other than yourself knows about.

A loss DOESNT mean the end of your journey.

It simply means you have a new obstacle to overcome, and a new lesson to uncover.

You must react intentionally to become better.

Don’t allow your brain to keep you stagnant with a victim mentality.

With every failure comes an opportunity for improvement.

So don’t wish for life to get easier.

Wish for you to get stronger.

Wish for you to get wiser

Wish for you to get better.



Brandon Aguilera

I write about self-improvement | Trying to help you while on my own journey of self mastery as well :) | All my socials here!