Faith Advice From a Nonbeliever

Especially now, we all need to trust in a better future.

Naty SinTaboo


Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Typically, people who based their lives and decisions on scientific facts and probabilities don’t give too much space to hope in their lives. This article is for them.

The facts:

Yes, we are about to enter a second worldwide lockdown. So, if we want to maintain our mental health intact, there are some changes we all need to make.

We all need to embrace the possibility that things will get better over time.

Hey! Don’t jump to conclusions that fast. I don’t even go to church, and I’m not here to ask you to convert to any particular religion. I’m not even going to tell you that you should believe in any deity.

It’s a fact that western civilization is undergoing a very peculiar process over the past decades: a crisis of beliefs. I have no intention of trying to change that. Being a nonbeliever myself, I concluded that there is a practical utility in believing in a higher power that can benefit us heathens. I call that higher power HOPE!

This article will show you why a God-Goddess-Gods idea has been present since the beginning of time… But most importantly: why.



Naty SinTaboo

ESSAYS ABOUT SEX, COMMUNICATION, AND POWER| Political Scientist, MSc In Political Communication|Venezuelan| she/her | TT @Natysintabu